Rural sanitation project takes root in Oshana

KATIMA MULILO: The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development has allocated over N.dollars 2.1 million to the Oshana Rural Development Project for the 2023/2024 financial year.

Oshana Regional Council spokesperson Elly Ashikoto in an interview with Nampa on Tuesday stated that the primary objective of this initiative is to implement a rural sanitation programme, primarily focusing on constructing 152 rural toilets.

Of the total number, 18 toilets will be constructed in Okatana; 22 in Okaku; 10 in Okatjali; 17 in Ondangwa rural; 10 in Ondangwa urban; 17 in Ongwediva; 10 in Ompundja; 13 in Oshakati East; 10 in Oshakati West; 15 in Uukwiyuushona; and 10 in Uuvudhiya.

According to Ashikoto, this will strategically address the sanitation needs of various constituencies, with allocation based on the size and needs of each community.

She added that each toilet, inclusive of materials and labour costs, is estimated at N.dollars 13,785, and the procurement method employed for this project is Execution by Public Entit
ies (EPE).

Ashikoto indicated that the responsibility of executing the project has been entrusted to the Ongwediva Rural Development Centre (ORDC), with a committed cost of N.dollars 1 624 216. The remaining budget of N.dollars 19 583 will cover unforeseen circumstances and preliminary expenses, ensuring that the project progresses smoothly and efficiently.

The sanitation initiative will see approximately 116 unemployed youth from the region being employed, and the regional council is investing N.dollars 471 200 to engage these individuals in the project.

Ashikoto explained that this will ensure that the benefits of the initiative are not only confined to improved sanitation, but also extend to economic empowerment within the community. All employment opportunities will be strictly sourced from local constituencies, providing a direct avenue for community members to contribute to and benefit from the project.

She also indicated that the Oshana Regional Council will acquire bricks exclusively from local br
icklayers or brick makers within each constituency.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency