These include 640 learners seeking placement

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More than 1 000 learners still need placement in schools in the Erongo Region, the Education Director in the region, Erenfriede Stephanus has said.

These include 640 learners seeking placement in Grade 1 and 427 seeking placement in Grade 8.

Stephanus in an interview said the directorate will rent rooms from Namsov Fishing Company in Walvis Bay as well as from a local church in order to accommodate some pupils with the addition of 10 more teachers.

“When we started last Monday, a number of parents already gathered at the circuit office and as usual these are the parents who do not apply on time or those who are transferred because of their jobs. These are the cases we are dealing with currently,” Stephanus noted.

Swakopmund Circuit Education Inspector Tania Louw noted that parents who register their children at the circuit office well in advance enable them to be placed on the record-keeping list so that the circuit has ample time to plan properly for learner placement for the following year.

Parents of pupils who have not yet been accommodated were urged to remain calm while the directorate sorts out placement issues.


Source: The Namibian Press Agency