UNAM observes Health Week by providing free healthcare services

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The University of Namibia (UNAM) Clinic recently provided general health check-ups on campus as part of the Directorate of Student Affairs (DSA) annual health awareness week in collaboration with Namibian Planned Parenthood Association (NAPPA) and Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe (DREAMS) project.

This initiative, themed ‘Your health is your wealth’, aimed to educate the UNAM community while also providing free basic healthcare services such as pap smears, breast exams, HIV testing and COVID-19 vaccinations, among other things.

According to Tangeni Velikoshi, Assistant Dean of Professional Services, in a press release issued Thursday, the goal of this initiative is to raise awareness and foster a culture in which students seek health services even when they feel healthy.

“We believe in prevention and do not want students to visit the clinic only when they are ill. Our mandate is to produce healthy and well-adjusted students who will be able to continue their studies,” Velikoshi explained.

He said the initiative also wanted to bring these services closer to students, noting that students typically have to get these tests done elsewhere, which can be costly in terms of transportation and fees, and that this is why the university is offering the services on campus to improve accessibility.

According to Sophia Andrew, a registered nurse at UNAM Clinic, the initiative is critical because most students do not have medical insurance and cannot go to private doctors for routine examinations such as pap smears or family planning.

“We’ve noticed a high number of students showing up thus far, and thanks to our collaboration with DREAMS and NAPPA, we have more hands to assist and cater to as many students as possible,” a relieved Andrew said.

Laimi Mbangula, a student who received some of the services, was quoted as saying that these are very important things that they need to do, but time and other constraints limit them.

However, UNAM has brought them to them, which is extremely beneficial.

Another student, who requested anonymity, said the healthcare providers conducted the tests with the utmost professionalism.

According to the statement, “they were very friendly and made sure to provide thorough answers to any questions that were asked”.

The annual health week is a UNAM-wide initiative organised by the Directorate of Student Affairs.

This year, the directorate worked with NAPPA and the DREAMS project to reduce new HIV infections among adolescents and young women.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency