10 áreas da indústria aeroespacial a serem interrompidas por ferramentas de IA

DUBLIN, Irlanda, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O uso da IA na aviação vai além dos chatbots de apoio ao cliente e das ferramentas de comparação de preços para viajantes. Embora esses aplicativos definitivamente permaneçam e se tornem onipresentes, a verdadeira interrupção virá da otimização das áreas “difíceis” da aviação – desde o gerenciamento de receitas até à avaliação da probabilidade de uma greve. O presidente do Avia Solutions Group, Gediminas Ziemelis, compartilha suas previsões sobre as áreas onde a IA na aviação fará uma enorme diferença.

  1. Desbloqueando preços verdadeiramente dinâmicos. No negócio das companhias aéreas, o gerenciamento de receitas nunca foi um jogo fácil, mas os riscos são ainda maiores no mundo pós-COVID. De acordo com a IATA, a margem de lucro média por passageiro hoje é realmente mínima – apenas 2,25 dólares, em comparação com números de dois dígitos em 2019. A IA pode ajudar a melhorar a difícil tarefa de analisar dados históricos e calcular o preço certo, tendo em conta o localização do cliente e uma infinidade de outros fatores. Embora as grandes companhias aéreas provavelmente optem por construir as suas próprias soluções internamente, já existe um número crescente de companhias aéreas em parceria com empresas como a AirGain – uma solução preditiva baseada em IA, com um data lake que cobre 6 bilhões de pontos de preços.
  2. Manter a saúde do motor. A manutenção preditiva tem sido parte integrante do MRO já há algum tempo, com sensores que ajudam as companhias aéreas a determinar quando e o que precisa ser consertado ou substituído. A Inteligência Artificial pode usar dados de sensores em tempo real e padrões históricos preditivos de falhas para reduzir o tempo de inatividade e os custos gerais de manutenção. Um estudo recente conduzido pelo Centro de Desenvolvimento Avançado de Sistemas de Aviação (CAASD) da Universidade de Maryland descobriu que a manutenção preditiva pode reduzir os custos operacionais das aeronaves em até 20%. A IA já está revolucionando esse campo. Por exemplo, a Lufthansa Technik nivelou a manutenção de aeronaves com seus sistemas de manutenção preditiva orientados por IA. Sua solução Condition Analytics emprega algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina para analisar dados de sensores de vários componentes da aeronave, prevendo necessidades de manutenção com notável precisão. A criação dos chamados “gêmeos digitais” – réplicas virtuais perfeitas que mudam seus parâmetros de acordo com o desgaste do componente físico – os técnicos de MRO usam gêmeos digitais para manutenção preditiva e para detectar anomalias, comparando dados de sensores do mundo real com os dados gerados por gêmeos digitais.
  3. Planejar a rota mais eficiente.De acordo com a IATA, as companhias aéreas gastarão US$ 215 bilhões este ano, representando cerca de 28% das despesas operacionais, que podem ser reduzidas com um planejamento de rotas mais eficiente. Numerosas variáveis (incluindo congestionamento do tráfego aéreo, mudanças rápidas nos padrões climáticos e flutuações nos custos de combustível) tornam o planejamento de rotas uma tarefa complexa e exigente, que pode melhorar ou prejudicar os resultados financeiros de uma transportadora, dependendo da eficiência com que é executado. As plataformas habilitadas para IA podem acelerar a tomada de decisões dos operadores, ajudando-os a aproveitar não apenas o poder dos dados históricos, mas também dos mecanismos preditivos que, juntos, geram uma imagem clara e acionável. Um exemplo dessa plataforma é a Flyways, que utiliza dados de voos programados e ativos para mapear rotas de voo que passam por áreas menos congestionadas e contornam áreas com condições climáticas adversas. A solução já foi testada pela Alaska Airlines, economizando 480.000 galões de combustível e resultando em 4.600 toneladas a menos em emissões de carbono em um período de seis meses. Os resultados desta colaboração entre operadores de IA se refletem não apenas na redução de custos, mas também na ajuda às empresas para se tornarem mais sustentáveis. Quando tais soluções se tornarem comuns não apenas entre as companhias aéreas, mas também entre as autoridades de voo em todo o mundo, vamos olhar para trás hoje e nos surpreender com a ineficiência de todos nós ao planejar rotas.
  4. Prevendo greves. Embora as greves na aviação geralmente ganhem as manchetes por causa da interrupção que causam aos planos dos viajantes (especialmente em torno de grandes feriados), o fato de as companhias aéreas poderem perder dezenas, senão centenas de milhões por greve, é muitas vezes esquecido. Em 2022, por exemplo, a SAS perdeu 145 milhões de dólares numa greve de pilotos de 15 dias. Como a IA pode analisar não apenas dados técnicos, mas também sociológicos, um modelo poderia ser concebido para ajudar as companhias aéreas a prever uma greve potencial e a estar melhor preparadas para eventuais negociações. Modelos como este, que podem prever a probabilidade de funcionários individuais deixarem seus empregos, já foram desenvolvidos pela IBM, produzindo 95% de precisão.
  5. Melhorar os fluxos de trabalho durante o voo. A IA pode servir como auxiliar não apenas para a equipe em terra, mas também para a tripulação na cabine. Não se trata apenas de facilitar as tarefas rotineiras – uma ferramenta devidamente treinada pode oferecer aconselhamento especializado sobre o gerenciamento da aeronave e a tomada de decisões rápidas e informadas, especialmente quando há pressão e decisões rápidas são vitais. As rodas já estão em movimento para dar vida a esta visão, com aplicações de IA de Nível 1 em fase de certificação, graças às diretrizes de Confiabilidade de Sistemas Baseados em Aprendizado de Máquina da EASA, estabelecidas em abril de 2022.
  6. Ajudar pilotos e tripulantes a manter sua saúde mental. Poderia um modelo de IA ter evitado o desastre suicida do piloto do voo 9525 da Germanwings, que levou à morte de 150 pessoas? Embora esta seja uma área de muita especulação, exames regulares especialmente concebidos para a tripulação podem ajudar a prever a probabilidade de problemas mentais exacerbados pela exposição a eventos estressantes, como perturbações do ritmo circadiano, casos de turbulência e emergências a bordo. Outra aplicação promissora, que já está sendo testada pela startup britânica Blueskeye AI, é o uso de tecnologia de detecção facial para identificar fadiga em pilotos. Hoje, a fadiga é calculada com base no número de horas que um piloto voou, mas no futuro esta métrica será altamente individualizada.
  7. Prever a probabilidade de Diretrizes de Aeronavegabilidade. Uma Diretriz de Aeronavegabilidade (DA) para parte da estrutura ou do motor é capaz de aterrar parcela considerável da frota de qualquer companhia aérea, especialmente se não estiver diversificada em diferentes modelos. Conhecer a probabilidade de tal risco pode ajudar enormemente em diferentes fases do gerenciamento da frota – desde a formação da frota até à manutenção. Tal como o software de gerenciamento de risco baseado em IA em bancos e instituições financeiras, uma solução semelhante poderia ser implementada para calcular e mitigar os riscos de DA.
  8. Melhorar os processos internos de gestão da qualidade. Embora nenhuma avaria rivalize com a conta de US$ 20 bilhões que a Boeing teve que pagar por causa dos acidentes e subsequente aterramento do 737 MAX, problemas de controle de qualidade ainda podem levar empresas à falência. Embora os padrões de garantia de qualidade na aviação já sejam mais elevados do que em qualquer outro setor devido à regulamentação rigorosa de tudo que se relacione à segurança e proteção, a IA pode impulsionar protocolos internos de garantia de qualidade nos domínios da fabricação na aviação e da gestão das companhias aéreas. Na fase de fabricação, um sofisticado sistema de visão computacional aprimorado por verificações manuais pode identificar melhor as falhas nos componentes. Para as companhias aéreas, um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Segurança (SMS) aprimorado por IA pode levar em conta grandes quantidades de dados de várias fontes, incluindo desempenho, padrões meteorológicos e informações de manutenção.
  9. Encontrar a melhor solução logística para situações AOG. Embora cada situação de aeronave em terra (AOG) seja única, ela pode custar à companhia aérea algo entre US$ 10.000 e US$ 150.000, sem mencionar os danos à reputação. Descobrir o quebra-cabeça de encontrar a peça de reposição necessária e entregá-la em horas, e não em dias, pode ser complicado, especialmente se a situação do AOG acontecer longe dos principais centros. Uma solução de IA poderia ajudar a empresa a localizar e enviar rapidamente a peça para a aeronave. Ao mesmo tempo, uma solução de manutenção preditiva pode ajudar a companhia a se preparar para potenciais eventos AOG e garantir que haja sempre peças críticas suficientes em estoque.
  10. Determinação do preço do seguro. No mundo pós-11/9, os compradores de seguros de aviação em todo o mundo ainda estão enfrentando preços crescentes e disponibilidade reduzida quando se trata de cobertura de risco de guerra. Um modelo de IA pode auxliliar as companhias aéreas a calcular os riscos que enfrentam com mais precisão, ajudando-as a compreender a sua exposição ao “risco de guerra” quando tomam decisões relacionadas com seguros.

Conheça Gediminas Ziemelis

Gediminas Ziemelis (nascido em 4 de abril de 1977) é um talentoso empresário lituano, consultor de negócios e fundador e atual presidente do conselho do Avia Solutions Group, o maior fornecedor global de ACMI (Aeronave, Tripulação, Manutenção e Seguros), operando um frota de 196 aeronaves. Ele foi escolhido duas vezes entre os 40 jovens líderes mais talentosos do setor pela Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Gediminas é conhecido por sua mentalidade cosmopolita e habilidades excepcionais de gestão, que contribuíram para seu sucesso em várias áreas de negócios. Ao longo de seus 26 anos de carreira, Gediminas fundou mais de 100 start-ups, 50% delas ainda em operação, liderou empresas em 4 processos bem-sucedidos de IPO/SPO e levantou mais de 800 milhões de euros em mercados públicos globais de capital e títulos.

Em dezembro de 2022, Gediminas Ziemelis foi considerado o lituano mais rico pela TOP Magazine, com ativos estimados no valor de 1,68 bilhão de euros.

Gediminas é o maior doador do Rimantas Kaukenas Support Group, um fundo de caridade e apoio que oferece ajuda a crianças com doenças oncológicas e às suas famílias. Ele também é o maior acionista da principal equipe de basquete, a Wolves. 

Contato com a imprensa: 
Silvija Jakiene 
Diretora de Comunicações 
Avia Solutions Group 
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841676

L’intelligence artificielle s’apprête à devenir un élément disrupteur de l’aéronautique dans une dizaine de domaines

DUBLIN, Irlande, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le recours à l’IA dans le secteur de l’aviation va bien au-delà des chatbots d’assistance à la clientèle et des grilles de comparaison de prix pour les passagers. Ces technologies sont certainement vouées à s’inscrire dans la durée et deviendront même omniprésentes. C’est leur extension à l’optimisation des « noyaux durs » de l’aviation qui vient perturber le secteur – de la gestion des revenus à l’évaluation de la probabilité d’une grève. Le Président d’Avia Solutions Group, Gediminas Ziemelis, dévoile ses prévisions quant aux domaines de l’aviation où selon lui l’IA fera une énorme différence.

  1. Avènement d’une véritable tarification dynamique : La gestion des revenus n’a jamais été simple dans le secteur aérien, mais les enjeux prennent encore plus d’ampleur dans un environnement post-Covid. Selon l’Association du transport aérien international (ou IATA), la marge moyenne par passager est aujourd’hui vraiment minime : à peine 2,25 dollars, contre une marge à deux chiffres de 2019. L’IA peut optimiser la difficile tâche d’analyse des données historiques et établir un juste prix, en tenant compte de la géolocalisation des clients et d’une multitude d’autres facteurs. Même si les grandes compagnies aériennes vont probablement opter pour le développement de leurs propres solutions en interne, le nombre de transporteurs qui s’équipent de solutions tierces comme AirGain va crescendo. AirGain est une solution prédictive reposant sur l’IA exploitant un lac de données référentiel de six milliards de niveaux de prix.
  2. Maintenance sanitaire des moteurs : La maintenance prédictive fait pleinement partie de la MRO depuis déjà un certain temps : des capteurs aident les compagnies aériennes à déterminer ce qui doit être réparé ou remplacé, et à quelle date. L’intelligence artificielle peut combiner l’exploitation des données des capteurs en temps réel et des tendances prédictives de pannes historiques pour réduire à la fois les périodes d’immobilisation pour entretien et les charges globales liées à la maintenance. Une récente étude menée par le centre de recherche américain de l’Université du Maryland – Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (ou CAASD) – a démontré que la maintenance prédictive pouvait réduire les frais d’exploitation des avions jusqu’à 20 %. L’IA bouleverse déjà ce domaine. Lufthansa Technik a par exemple amélioré le cycle d’entretien de ses appareils grâce à ses systèmes de maintenance prédictive basés sur l’IA. Leur solution « Condition Analytics » utilise des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique pour analyser les données des capteurs de divers composants de l’avion, ce qui permet d’anticiper les besoins en maintenance avec une étonnante précision. Les techniciens de la MRO ont recours à des « jumeaux numériques » programmés pour prédire les prochaines opérations de maintenance et identifier toute anomalie remontée via la comparaison des données fournies par les capteurs et celles des jumeaux. Les jumeaux numériques sont en fait des répliques virtuelles qui modulent leurs paramètres en fonction des composantes physiques des pièces.
  3. Une planification d’itinéraire plus efficace : Selon l’IATA, les compagnies aériennes dépenseront 215 milliards de dollars cette année, soit environ 28 % de leurs charges d’exploitation. Ces charges peuvent être réduites grâce à une planification plus efficace des itinéraires. La planification d’itinéraires est assortie de nombreuses variables, parmi lesquelles la congestion du trafic aérien, la fluctuation rapide des conditions météorologiques, ou encore la courbe changeante des prix du carburant, ce qui rend la tâche complexe et astreignante. C’est un élément dont l’efficacité peut influer de manière positive ou négative sur les résultats d’un transporteur. Les plateformes reposant sur l’IA peuvent accélérer le processus décisionnel pour les opérateurs, en les aidant à exploiter non seulement le potentiel des données historiques, mais également celui des modèles prédictifs. Ensemble, ces méthodes permettent d’obtenir une vision précise et exploitable. Flyways est l’une de ces plateformes. En utilisant les données des vols programmés et actifs, elle conçoit des itinéraires de vol qui traversent des zones moins encombrées et qui contournent les zones soumises à de mauvaises conditions météorologiques. Alaska Airlines a déjà testé cette solution, ce qui a permis à la compagnie d’économiser 480 000 gallons de carburant et d’amener ainsi une réduction de 4 600 tonnes d’émissions de carbone sur une période de six mois. Les résultats de la collaboration entre les opérateurs et l’IA engendrent non seulement des économies de coûts, mais apportent également une aide pour mieux s’inscrire dans le développement durable. Lorsque de telles solutions, loin de se limiter aux simples compagnies aériennes, deviendront monnaie courante pour les autorités aériennes du monde entier, il conviendra d’effectuer un retour sur image. On s’étonnera alors certainement de constater à quel point nous avons tous été contre-productifs dans la planification passée des itinéraires.
  4. Anticipation des grèves : Alors que les grèves dans l’aviation font généralement la une des journaux en raison des perturbations qu’elles entraînent sur la vie des voyageurs, et en particulier pendant les grandes vacances, on néglige souvent le fait que les compagnies aériennes peuvent réaliser des dizaines, voire des centaines de millions de pertes par épisode de grève. SAS a par exemple perdu 145 millions de dollars en 2022 en raison d’une grève des pilotes qui s’est poursuivie pendant 15 jours. L’IA étant capable d’analyser à la fois les données techniques et les données sociologiques, un modèle pourrait se concevoir pour aider les compagnies aériennes à prédire un risque de grève et mieux se préparer à d’éventuelles négociations. IBM a déjà développé des modèles semblables, capables de prédire à 95 % la probabilité que des employés démissionnent.
  5. Amélioration des flux de travail en vol : Une IA peut aider non seulement le personnel au sol mais aussi le personnel navigant. Son application ne se limite pas à la simplification des tâches quotidiennes. Un outil correctement programmé et entraîné peut délivrer des conseils avisés sur la gestion de l’appareil et guider rapidement la prise de décisions, particulièrement en cas de forte pression, lorsqu’il est impératif de prendre une décision vite. Le processus est en marche pour donner vie à cette vision. En effet, des applications d’IA de niveau 1 sont en voie d’être certifiées, grâce aux lignes directrices établies en avril 2022 par l’AESA sur la fiabilité des systèmes basés sur l’apprentissage automatique.
  6. L’assistance aux pilotes et aux équipages en matière de santé mentale : Aurait-on pu empêcher le suicide du pilote du vol 9525 de la Germanwings grâce à l’IA, et ainsi éviter la mort des 150 personnes à bord ? Des contrôles réguliers spécialement conçus pour le personnel navigant peuvent aider à prévenir le risque de problèmes psychiques exacerbés par l’exposition permanente à des événements stressants comme les troubles du rythme circadien, les zones de turbulence ou la résolution des urgences à bord, mais il s’agit là d’un domaine qui fait l’objet de nombreuses spéculations. La start-up britannique Blueskeye AI est déjà en train de tester une autre application pleine de promesses. Son principe repose sur une technologie de détection faciale pour identifier les signes de fatigue chez les pilotes. Aujourd’hui, la fatigue se calcule en fonction du nombre d’heures de vol par pilote, mais demain il sera possible d’en personnaliser les paramètres.
  7. Anticipation de l’apparition de consignes de navigabilité : Une consigne de navigabilité (ou CN) applicable à une partie du châssis ou au moteur d’un appareil peut immobiliser au sol un important quota de la flotte d’une compagnie aérienne, et plus particulièrement si celle-ci n’est pas diversifiée. Anticiper ce risque peut s’avérer extrêmement utile à toutes les étapes de la gestion de flotte, de la constitution jusqu’à la maintenance. À l’image des banques et des institutions financières qui utilisent des logiciels de gestion des risques reposant sur l’IA, l’aviation pourrait mettre en place une solution similaire pour calculer et atténuer les risques liés aux consignes de navigabilité.
  8. Optimisation des processus internes de gestion de la qualité : Même si aucun dysfonctionnement ne pourra jamais rivaliser avec les 20 milliards de dollars que Boeing a dû débourser à la suite des crashs de son appareil 737 MAX et des immobilisations au sol qui ont suivi, tout problème d’assurance qualité peut conduire toute entreprise à la faillite. Alors que les normes d’assurance qualité de l’aviation sont déjà bien supérieures à celles des autres secteurs en raison d’une stricte réglementation de tout ce qui touche à la sûreté et à la sécurité, l’IA peut en renforcer les protocoles internes au niveau de la construction aéronautique et de la gestion des compagnies aériennes. Au stade industriel, un système sophistiqué de vision par ordinateur renforcé par des contrôles manuels peut aider à mieux identifier les composants défectueux. Pour les compagnies aériennes, un système de gestion de la sécurité augmenté par l’IA peut exploiter d’énormes quantités de données en provenance de sources différentes, parmi lesquelles les performances, les partenaires météorologiques et les informations de maintenance.
  9. Une meilleure solution logistique pour les situations d’AOG : Bien que chaque immobilisation au sol (ou situation d’AOG) soit unique, elle peut représenter des charges comprises entre 10 000 et 150 000 dollars pour une compagnie, sans oublier des dommages causés à sa réputation. Il peut s’avérer délicat de chercher, trouver et se faire livrer la pièce de rechange nécessaire en quelques heures au lieu de quelques jours, surtout si la situation d’AOG se produit loin des principaux centres. Une solution d’IA pourrait rapidement optimiser la localisation et l’expédition de la pièce en question. Une solution de maintenance prédictive pourrait en parallèle prévenir les situations d’AOG en veillant à ce qu’il y ait toujours des pièces clé en stock.
  10. Calcul des tarifs d’assurance : Dans le monde de l’après 11 septembre, les preneurs d’assurance aviation du monde entier sont toujours confrontés à une hausse des prix et à une moindre couverture des risques de guerre. L’IA peut aider les compagnies aériennes à calculer plus précisément les risques auxquels elles sont confrontées, et les aider à mieux comprendre leur exposition au « risque de guerre » lorsqu’elles doivent faire des choix d’assurance.

À propos de Gediminas Ziemelis

Né le 4 avril 1977, Gediminas Ziemelis est un entrepreneur lituanien chevronné, consultant en affaires, fondateur et actuel Président du Conseil d’administration d’Avia Solutions Group, le plus grand opérateur mondial d’ACMI (exploitation d’avions tout compris), avec une flotte comportant plus de 196 appareils. Il a été sélectionné deux fois parmi les 40 jeunes leaders les plus talentueux de l’industrie par Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Gediminas est connu pour son esprit cosmopolite et ses compétences exceptionnelles en matière de gestion, qui ont contribué à son succès dans divers domaines d’activité. Au cours de ses 26 ans de carrière, Gediminas a fondé plus de 100 start-ups, dont 50 % sont toujours en activité, il a dirigé des entreprises à travers quatre processus réussis d’introduction en bourse/offre publique sur le marché secondaire, et a levé plus de 800 millions d’euros sur les marchés publics mondiaux des capitaux et des obligations.

En décembre 2022, Gediminas Ziemelis a été identifié par TOP Magazine comme le Lituanien le plus riche dont les actifs sont estimés à 1,68 milliard d’euros.

Gediminas est le plus grand donateur de Rimantas Kaukenas Support Group, un fonds de bienfaisance et de soutien qui apporte de l’aide aux enfants atteints de maladies oncologiques et à leurs familles. Il est également le principal actionnaire du premier club de basket-ball, les Wolves.

Contact média :  
Silvija Jakiene  
Directrice de la communication  
Avia Solutions Group  
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841676

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro lança o plano estratégico de Soudah Peaks

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HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro Ministro e Presidente da Soudah Development lançou o plano estratégico para desenvolver Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa em Soudah Peaks, um destino turístico de luxo na montanha situado a 3015 metros acima do nível do mar no pico mais alto da Arábia Saudita. Situado em um ambiente natural e cultural extraordinário na região de Aseer (sudoeste da Arábia Saudita), o projeto é uma parte essencial dos esforços do Fundo de Investimento Público (PIF) para diversificar a economia através da expansão de indústrias vitais como o turismo, a hotelaria e o entretenimento, e apoiar a estratégia de desenvolvimento de Aseer.

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman, Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Soudah Development, afirmou que Soudah Peaks representa uma nova era de turismo de montanha de luxo, proporcionando uma experiência de vivência sem precedentes, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e a riqueza cultural e patrimonial. Está estrategicamente alinhado com os objetivos da Visão 2030 de expandir o turismo e o entretenimento, apoiar o crescimento econômico, atrair investimentos, contribuir com mais de 29 bilhões de SAR para o PIB acumulado do Reino e criar milhares de oportunidades de emprego diretas e indiretas.

SAR disse: “O plano estratégico reafirma nosso empenho relativamente aos esforços globais de preservação do ambiente e dos recursos naturais para as gerações futuras e visa contribuir para a diversificação das fontes de rendimento nacionais e a construção de uma economia forte que atraia investimentos locais e globais.”

SAR acrescentou: “Soudah Peaks será um acréscimo significativo ao setor do turismo na Arábia Saudita e colocará o Reino no mapa do turismo mundial, destacando e celebrando simultaneamente a riqueza da cultura e do patrimônio do país. Os visitantes terão a oportunidade de descobrir a beleza de Soudah Peaks, explorar sua cultura e patrimônio ricos e experimentar a autêntica hospitalidade da comunidade local. Soudah Peaks oferecerá experiências inesquecíveis rodeadas por entre uma vegetação exuberante, acima das nuvens.”

Soudah Peaks tem como objetivo oferecer serviços de hotelaria de luxo de alta qualidade a mais de dois milhões de visitantes ao longo do ano até 2033. O plano estratégico está sendo concebido para refletir os estilos tradicionais e arquitetônicos locais e promoverá o patrimônio cultural e paisagístico da região. O destino será o lar de 6 zonas de desenvolvimento únicas: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal e Red Rock. Cada uma delas oferecerá uma gama de instalações de nível mundial, incluindo hotéis, estâncias de luxo nas montanhas, chalés residenciais, moradias, mansões de luxo, atrações comerciais e de entretenimento, bem como atrações ao ar livre dedicadas ao esporte, à aventura, ao bem-estar e à cultura.

A Soudah Development entregará 2700 chaves de hotelaria, 1336 unidades residenciais e 80.000 metros quadrados de espaço comercial em Soudah Peaks até 2033. O plano estratégico será desenvolvido em três fases, com 940 chaves de hotel, 391 unidades residenciais e 32.000 metros quadrados de espaço comercial previsto para ser concluído em 2027, na primeira fase.

Soudah Peaks está situado ao longo de mais de 627 quilômetros quadrados de natureza inspiradora, com menos de 1% do terreno adquirido para construção, refletindo o compromisso da Soudah Development em proteger e preservar o meio ambiente, seguindo os melhores padrões de sustentabilidade, e contribuindo para os esforços da Saudi Green Initiative.

Como uma sociedade anônima fechada detida pelo PIF, a Soudah Development tem como objetivo desenvolver um destino turístico de luxo único nas montanhas da Arábia Saudita, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e o patrimônio cultural da área do projeto, que se estende por Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa.

Sobre a Soudah Development
A Soudah Development é uma sociedade anônima fechada detida integralmente pelo Fundo de Investimento Público (PIF) da Arábia Saudita. Ela foi criada para promover o desenvolvimento de um destino turístico de luxo nas montanhas, abrangendo Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa, na região de Aseer, no sudoeste da Arábia Saudita. Seu objetivo é preservar a paisagem natural e respeitar o rico patrimônio cultural da região, além de atrair 2 milhões de visitantes todos os anos até 2033. A Soudah Development foi anunciada por SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro Ministro e Presidente do PIF, em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.

Para mais informações acesse os links abaixo:
Site: www.soudah.sa e www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn e Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Ou entre em contato por e-mail: press@soudah.sa

Fonte: NewsBeatWire

Mohammed A. Alshehri

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841665

QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON solutions recommended for use by kidney specialists in Tunisia

  • Tunisian Society of Nephrology first professional body in the field to publish nationwide guidance
  • Association of specialists recommends national immune response monitoring for cytomegalovirus (CMV) after kidney transplant
  • Professional vote of confidence in QuantiFERON-CMV, QuantiFERON Monitor and QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus

TUNIS, Tunisia, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QIAGEN today announced that the comprehensive QuantiFERON immune response blood tests have been recommended for use by clinicians in Tunisia to help kidney disease, transplant and dialysis patients – the world’s first-ever guidance of this type by a professional body in kidney medicine.

To catch potentially deadly complications as early as possible, the Tunisian Society of Nephrology (TSN) advises specialist clinicians to use QuantiFERON-CMV to gauge the immune response of patients to cytomegalovirus (CMV), QuantiFERON Monitor to determine the strength of their immune systems more generally, and QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus to detect latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) before it becomes an active disease.

“The world’s first recommendation by kidney specialists is a vote of confidence in QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON immune-response tests,” said Simona Grandits, Senior Director, Head of Sales and Marketing EEMEA at QIAGEN . “Clinicians in Tunisia will find QuantiFERON-CMV an innovative patient management tool to complement PCR testing for CMV – and QuantiFERON Monitor and QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus invaluable for monitoring specific and wider immune responses. They will be able to tailor preventive treatment and reduce the use of potentially toxic and costly medications.”

With an incidence rate ranging from 8% to 32%1, CMV disease stands as the most prevalent infectious complication following kidney transplant procedures. The required immunosuppressive medications, essential for preventing organ rejection, weaken the patient’s immune system, making it more challenging to control viral infections. Post-transplant CMV poses the risk of causing severe complications such as direct harm to the transplanted organ, graft rejection or dysfunction, and heightened susceptibility to other infections.

CMV immune response monitoring enables healthcare providers to pinpoint patients with higher risks of developing complications, thereby allowing them to administer suitable treatments and mitigate the chances of full-blown CMV disease and transplant loss. As a result, the TSN advises QuantiFERON-CMV to be used for nationwide immune response monitoring the year after surgery. Patients testing positive with an adequate immune response to the virus should be released from prophylactic treatment after three months, while those testing negative, and more at risk to CMV disease, should be monitored for up to six months. This tailored approach not only enhances patient outcomes, but also contributes to cost savings within the healthcare system. Managing CMV disease can be financially burdensome, and proactive testing helps to alleviate this burden by providing targeted care for those at risk.

To help clinicians determine the right dosage of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent both organ rejection and post-transplant infections, the TSN recommends the use of QuantiFERON Monitor before and after surgery. Testing before a kidney transplant allows for corrective measures for patients found to have weak immune systems, while post-surgical testing would aid clinicians in adjusting the regime of immunosuppressive medication that is crucial after any transplant.

One in four people are thought to have latent TB infections, with 5-10% of them expected at some point to develop active TB, a contagious and potentially deadly disease that usually affects the lungs. People with immune-system impairments are at a significantly higher risk of developing active disease. The TSN, therefore, advises the use of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus for tuberculosis screening in specific nephrological cases, including elderly patients with chronic renal failure, those with coexisting conditions like diabetes or malnutrition, and transplant candidates. Additionally, it’s recommended for patients undergoing hemodialysis and those about to start immunomodulatory treatment due to renal insufficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly recommends TB infection screening for all immunocompromised patients including those receiving organ or hematological transplants and those on dialysis. QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus requires only one patient visit and is much more accurate for diagnosing latent TB in populations that are at the highest risk for infection than the century-old, two-visit Tuberculin skin test (TST).

QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON Technology is a unique in vitro diagnostic method for detecting cell-mediated immune responses from whole blood samples. It works by identifying specific T-cells in individuals with infectious agent exposure. When an infection-specific antigen is combined with the blood, rapid re-stimulation of antigen-specific T-cells occurs, leading to the secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), which can be measured as a marker of an immune response.

Learn more about QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON range of assays at https://www.qiagen.com/de/applications/infectious-disease/transplantation.


QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands-based holding company, is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable molecular insights from samples containing the building blocks of life. Our sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective workflows. QIAGEN provides solutions to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare) and Life Sciences (academia, pharma R&D and industrial applications, primarily forensics). As of June 30, 2023, QIAGEN employed more than 6,100 people in over 35 locations worldwide. Further information can be found at http://www.qiagen.com.

Contacts QIAGEN Dubai:
Stephanie Salloum

1 D M Simon, S Levin “Infectious complications of solid organ transplantations”, Infectious disease clinics of North America, 2001 Jun;15(2):521-49: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0891-5520(05)70158-6

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930325

Les spécialistes du rein en Tunisie recommandent l’utilisation des solutions QuantiFERON de QIAGEN

TUNIS, Tunisie, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QIAGEN annonce que l’utilisation de ses tests de la gamme QuantiFERON a été recommandée par les cliniciens de la Société Tunisienne de Néphrologie pour la prise en charge des patients greffés, dialysés et atteints de maladies rénales, marquant ainsi la première recommandation de ce type au niveau mondial émise par un organisme professionnel spécialisé dans la médecine rénale.

Afin de mieux prévenir le plus tôt possible les complications potentiellement mortelles pour ce type de patients, la Société Tunisienne de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation Rénale (STNDT) conseille à ses cliniciens d’utiliser QuantiFERON-CMV pour évaluer la réponse immunitaire cellulaire spécifique au cytomégalovirus (CMV), QuantiFERON Monitor pour évaluer l’intensité de la réponse immunitaire cellulaire en générale, et QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus pour dépister l’infection tuberculeuse latente (ITBL) avant qu’elle ne devienne une maladie active.

«Cette première recommandation au monde par des spécialistes du rein constitue un vote de confiance en faveur des tests de réponse immunitaire QuantiFERON de QIAGEN», a déclaré Simona GRANDITS, directrice ventes et marketing EEMEA chez QIAGEN. «Les cliniciens de Tunisie trouveront en le QuantiFERON-CMV un outil innovant dans la prise en charge des patients complétant les tests PCR pour CMV. Par ailleurs, QuantiFERON Monitor et QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus s’avèreront inestimables pour surveiller des réponses immunitaires plus larges et spécifiques respectivement. Ces tests permettront la mise en place d’un traitement préventif personnalisé, évitant ainsi l’utilisation excessive de médicaments potentiellement toxiques et onéreux».

Avec un taux d’incidence entre 8% et 32%, la maladie due au CMV représente la complication infectieuse la plus prévalente suite à des interventions de greffe rénale. Les médicaments immunosuppresseurs requis, essentiels pour éviter le rejet d’organe, affaiblissent le système immunitaire du patient, rendant plus difficile le contrôle des infections virales. Le CMV post-greffe pose le risque de causer de graves complications telles une détérioration directe de l’organe transplanté, un dysfonctionnement ou rejet de greffe ainsi qu’une susceptibilité accrue à d’autres infections.

Le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire pour le CMV donne aux professionnels de santé la possibilité d’identifier les patients davantage à risque de développer des complications, leur permettant ainsi d’administrer des traitements adaptés afin de réduire les risques de développement d’une maladie liée au CMV ou que la greffe échoue. En conséquence, la STNDT conseille l’utilisation de QuantiFERON-CMV pour une surveillance nationale de la réponse immunitaire au cours de l’année suivant l’intervention chirurgicale. Les patients avec un test QuantiFERON-CMV positif et une réponse immunitaire adéquate face au virus pourront cesser le traitement prophylactique au bout de trois mois, tandis que ceux obtenant un test négatif, plus à risque de développer la maladie due au CMV, devront être surveillés jusqu’à six mois. Cette approche personnalisée améliore non seulement les résultats pour les patients, mais contribue également à la diminution des dépenses de santé. En effet la gestion de la maladie due au CMV pouvant être particulièrement coûteuse, ces tests réalisés pro-activement réduiront le coût de prise en charge en fournissant un soin ciblé aux individus à risque.

Pour aider les cliniciens à déterminer la bonne posologie des médicaments immunosuppresseurs afin d’éviter à la fois le rejet d’organe et les infections post-greffe, la STNDT recommande l’utilisation de QuantiFERON Monitor en accord avec l’intervention chirurgicale. La réalisation de tests avant une greffe rénale permet de mettre en place des mesures correctives pour les patients chez lesquels on décèle un faible système immunitaire, tandis que les tests post-chirurgicaux aideraient les cliniciens à ajuster le schéma de médicaments immunosuppresseurs à administrer, crucial après toute greffe.

On estime qu’un individu sur quatre présente une infection tuberculeuse latente, et que 5 à 10% de ces derniers pourraient développer une tuberculose active, maladie contagieuse et potentiellement mortelle qui affecte généralement les poumons. Les individus présentant des déficiences de leur système immunitaire sont bien plus à risque de développer une maladie active. Le STNDT conseille donc l’utilisation de QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus pour le dépistage de la tuberculose dans des cas néphrologiques spécifiques, notamment les patients âgés atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique, ceux souffrant de comorbidités comme le diabète ou la malnutrition et les candidats à une transplantation. De plus, il est recommandé aux patients hémodialysés et à ceux qui sont sur le point de commencer un traitement immunomodulateur en raison d’une insuffisance rénale. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) recommande aussi fortement le dépistage de l’infection tuberculeuse chez tous les patients immunodéprimés, y compris ceux candidats à une greffe d’organe ou hématologique ainsi que les patients dialysés. QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus ne nécessite qu’une visite du patient et est bien plus précis pour dépister une ITBL dans les populations les plus susceptibles d’être infectées, par rapport au test cutané à la tuberculine (IDR), vieux de plus de cent ans, et qui requérait deux visites.

La technologie QuantiFERON de QIAGEN est une méthode de diagnostic in vitro unique pour détecter les réponses immunitaires à médiation cellulaire à partir d’échantillons de sang entier. Elle fonctionne en identifiant des lymphocytes T spécifiques chez des individus exposés à des agents infectieux. Lorsqu’un antigène spécifique à une infection est associé au sang, une rapide re-stimulation des lymphocytes T spécifiques à l’antigène se produit, conduisant à la sécrétion d’interférons gamma (IFN-γ), qui peuvent être mesurés en guise de marqueur d’une réponse immunitaire.

Contacts QIAGEN Dubai :
Stephanie Salloum

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930325

Introducing the Icomera X7 Mobile Connectivity & Applications Router

Supercharged 5G Connectivity for Onboard Systems and Passengers

Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Icomera’s new X7 router is a gateway to a powerful centralised connectivity platform, supporting multiple, resource-intensive applications including Passenger Wi-Fi, Onboard Infotainment, and Digital Video Surveillance & Analytics. A wholly owned subsidiary of Equans, global leader in the energy and services industry, Icomera is the leading provider of integrated connectivity solutions for public transport and contributes to a low carbon and resilient world by making public transport more attractive. 

“Nowadays, a plethora of onboard systems installed on vehicles require ubiquitous, reliable connectivity”, explains Roger Matthews, Icomera’s Chief Commercial Officer. “The X7 delivers exceptional speed, storage and performance for both operational and passenger-focused services, ushering in a new era of cutting-edge connected applications.”

The X7 utilises SureWAN™, Icomera’s industry-leading connectivity technology protocol for intelligently aggregating multiple communication technologies (5G, 4G, satellite, trackside networks etc.) in parallel, to ensure the fastest, most reliable connection available to a moving vehicle. Network traffic can be monitored and managed using IcoShape, Icomera’s data traffic shaping tool, empowering transport operators to make best use of all available Internet bandwidth and control their data costs.

“One or multiple X7 units can be installed on a single vehicle or train consist”, adds Mats Karlsson, Icomera’s Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder. “By distributing network traffic between two routers, load balancing helps ensure optimised performance, while redundancy adds further resiliency to an onboard connectivity solution.”

The X7 router will be available in various models at launch, each optimised to meet specific business requirements:

  • For digital video surveillance deployments, in addition to providing real-time data offload, the X7 can be configured with up to two externally accessible SSDs. This is useful when the physical storage and/or removal of video surveillance footage is a requirement, and reduces the need for an external Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. In many cases, the 32TB (2 x 16TB) SSDs allow transport operators to store up to a month’s worth of video footage.
  • Some X7 models contain up to two built-in dual band Wi-Fi 6 cards, each capable of operating as an access point to provide high-quality passenger Wi-Fi.
  • The X7 contains up to five 5G modems for industry-leading connectivity.

Details of the X7 follow Icomera’s announcement of the world’s first Wi-Fi 7 access point purpose-built for public transportation – the Icomera A2. By leveraging the increased throughput and reduced latency that Wi-Fi 7 offers, the new access point will facilitate faster and more reliable web browsing, streaming, downloads, and video conferencing for passengers, allowing them to stay connected more effortlessly while they travel.


Tom Bates

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930233

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro lança o plano estratégico de Soudah Peaks

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Real o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro-Ministro e Presidente da Soudah Development, lançou o plano estratégico para desenvolver Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa em Soudah Peaks, um destino turístico de luxo na montanha situado a 3015 metros acima do nível do mar no pico mais alto da Arábia Saudita. Situado num ambiente natural e cultural extraordinário na região de Aseer (no sudoeste da Arábia Saudita), o projeto é uma parte essencial dos esforços do Fundo de Investimento Público (PIF) para diversificar a economia através da expansão de indústrias vitais como o turismo, a hotelaria e o entretenimento, e apoiar a estratégia de desenvolvimento de Aseer.

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman, Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Soudah Development, afirmou que Soudah Peaks representa uma nova era de turismo de montanha de luxo, proporcionando uma experiência de vivência sem precedentes, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e a riqueza cultural e patrimonial. Está estrategicamente alinhado com os objectivos da Visão 2030 de expandir o turismo e o entretenimento, apoiar o crescimento económico, atrair investimento, contribuir com mais de 29 mil milhões de SAR para o PIB acumulado do Reino e criar milhares de oportunidades de emprego diretas e indiretas.

SAR disse: “O plano estratégico reafirma o nosso empenho relativamente aos esforços globais de preservação do ambiente e dos recursos naturais para as gerações futuras e visa contribuir para a diversificação das fontes de rendimento nacionais e para a construção de uma economia forte que atraia investimentos locais e globais”.

SAR acrescentou: “Soudah Peaks constituirá um acréscimo significativo ao setor do turismo na Arábia Saudita e colocará o Reino no mapa do turismo mundial, destacando e celebrando simultaneamente a riqueza da cultura e do património do país. Os visitantes terão a oportunidade de descobrir a beleza de Soudah Peaks, explorar a sua cultura e património ricos e experimentar a autêntica hospitalidade da comunidade local. Soudah Peaks oferecerá experiências inesquecíveis rodeadas por vegetação luxuriante, acima das nuvens”.

Soudah Peaks tem como objetivo oferecer serviços de hotelaria de luxo de alta qualidade a mais de dois milhões de visitantes em todas as épocas do ano até 2033. O plano estratégico está a ser concebido para refletir os estilos tradicionais e arquitetónicos locais e irá promover o património cultural e paisagístico da região. O destino será lar de 6 zonas de desenvolvimento únicas: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal e Red Rock. Cada uma delas oferecerá uma gama de instalações de nível mundial, incluindo hotéis, estâncias de montanha de luxo, chalés residenciais, moradias, mansões de luxo, atrações comerciais e de entretenimento, bem como atrações ao ar livre dedicadas ao desporto, à aventura, ao bem-estar e à cultura.

A Soudah Development assegurará a entrega de 2700 chaves de hotelaria, 1336 unidades residenciais e 80 000 metros quadrados de espaço comercial no Soudah Peaks até 2033. O plano estratégico será desenvolvido em três fases, com 940 chaves de hotel, 391 unidades residenciais e 32 000 metros quadrados de espaço comercial que deverão estar concluídos em 2027, na primeira fase.

Soudah Peaks está situado ao longo de mais de 627 quilómetros quadrados de natureza inspiradora, com a aquisição de menos de 1% do terreno para construção, o que reflete o compromisso da Soudah Development em proteger e preservar o ambiente, seguindo os melhores padrões de sustentabilidade e contribuindo para os esforços da Saudi Green Initiative.

Como uma sociedade anónima fechada detida pelo PIF, a Soudah Development visa desenvolver um destino turístico de luxo na montanha único na Arábia Saudita, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e o património cultural da área do projeto, que se estende por Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa.

Sobre a Soudah Development
A Soudah Development é uma sociedade anónima fechada detida a 100% pelo Fundo de Investimento Público (PIF) da Arábia Saudita. Foi criado para promover o desenvolvimento de um destino turístico de luxo na montanha, abrangendo Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa, na região de Aseer, no sudoeste da Arábia Saudita. Tem como objetivo preservar a paisagem natural e respeitar o rico património cultural da região, atraindo 2 milhões de visitantes todos os anos até 2033. A Soudah Development foi anunciada por SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro-Ministro e Presidente do PIF, em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.

Para mais informações, visite os links abaixo:
Site: www.soudah.sa e www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn e Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Ou contacte-nos por e-mail: press@soudah.sa


Mohammed A. Alshehri


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841565

Son Altesse Royale le prince héritier d’Arabie saoudite lève le voile sur le plan directeur du projet « Soudah Peaks »

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Royale le prince héritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Président de la Soudah Development Company a dévoilé son programme cadre visant à développer la région montagneuse d’Al Soudah et certaines zones de la vallée de Rijal Almaa pour en faire « Soudah Peaks », une destination de tourisme de montagne de luxe située à 3 015 mètres d’altitude sur le plus haut sommet d’Arabie saoudite. Ce projet qui prend forme dans la province d’Asir, au sud-ouest de l’Arabie saoudite, se situe au cœur d’un environnement naturel et culturel insolite, et constitue un enjeu clé pour le Fonds public d’investissement d’Arabie saoudite (ou PIF) dont les initiatives visent à diversifier l’économie du Royaume en boostant des secteurs d’activité majeurs comme le tourisme, l’hôtellerie ou les loisirs, tout en soutenant la stratégie de développement régionale.

S.A.R. le prince héritier Mohammed ben Salmane, Président du Conseil d’administration de Soudah Development, a déclaré que le programme « Soudah Peaks » inaugure l’entrée du tourisme de montagne de luxe dans une nouvelle ère, dès lors que ce projet procure aux visiteurs une expérience sans précédent tout en préservant l’environnement naturel et la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de la région. Du point de vue stratégique, le projet s’aligne sur les objectifs du plan de développement Saudi Vision 2030. Celui-ci vise notamment à faire fructifier le tourisme et les loisirs, soutenir la croissance économique, solliciter les investissements, contribuer à hauteur de plus de 29 milliards de riyals saoudiens au PIB cumulé du Royaume, et créer des milliers d’emplois directs et indirects.

« Le plan directeur du projet Soudah Peaks confirme notre engagement mondial en faveur de la protection de notre environnement et de nos ressources naturelles pour le bien des générations futures. Il nous permet d’assurer la transition du Royaume vers un nouveau modèle de développement et de construire une économie plus forte, qui attirera les investisseurs à l’échelle régionale mais aussi ceux du monde entier », a expliqué S.A.R. le prince héritier, avant d’ajouter :

« Soudah Peaks est un jalon de taille dans le développement du tourisme saoudien. Ce projet qui place le Royaume au cœur des destinations mondiales met en lumière et à l’honneur la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de notre pays. Les visiteurs pourront s’émerveiller de la beauté de Soudah Peaks, explorer la richesse de sa culture et la signature unique de son patrimoine, et se réjouir du caractère authentique de l’hospitalité locale. Le cadre verdoyant situé au-dessus des nuages fera de Soudah Peaks une destination de voyage inoubliable ».

Soudah Peaks vise à proposer à ses visiteurs des complexes hôteliers haut de gamme et luxueux, pouvant accueillir plus de deux millions de personnes tout au long de l’année d’ici 2033. Le plan directeur est conçu de manière à s’inspirer du style traditionnel de l’architecture locale, ce qui contribuera à promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et paysager de la région. La destination s’étendra à six zones de développement uniques, à savoir : Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal et Red Rock. Chacune d’entre elles accueillera toute une gamme d’installations de haut calibre, et notamment des hôtels, des stations de ski de luxe, des chalets résidentiels, des villas, des manoirs haut de gamme, des attractions commerciales et des aires de divertissement, ainsi que des zones de plein air dédiées au sport, à l’aventure, au bien-être et à la culture.

D’ici 2033, Soudah Development fera bâtir 2 700 chambres d’hôtel et 1 336 unités résidentielles à Soudah Peaks, qui comptera également pas moins de 80 000 mètres carrés de zone commerciale. Le plan directeur prévoit de se déployer en trois phases. L’objectif de la première phase vise l’aboutissement de 940 hôtels, 391 complexes à usage résidentiel, et 32 000 mètres carrés de centre commercial d’ici 2027.

Soudah Peaks s’étend sur plus de 627 kilomètres carrés de fascinante nature, où les terres réservées à la construction ne représentent que 1 % de la surface. Cette condition reflète le double engagement pris par Soudah Development en faveur de la protection et de la préservation de l’environnement par la mise en place des meilleures pratiques en matière de développement durable, en contribuant ainsi aux initiatives vertes du Royaume rassemblées sous le projet Saudi Green Initiative.

Soudah Development est une société par actions de type fermé détenue par le Fonds d’investissement public d’Arabie saoudite. Sa mission consiste à piloter le développement d’une destination touristique de montagne de luxe en Arabie Saoudite tout en préservant le paysage naturel et le folklore de la région d’Al Soudah et de certaines parties de Rijal Almaa.

À propos de Soudah Development
Soudah Development est une société par actions de type fermé détenue à 100 % par le Fonds d’investissement public d’Arabie saoudite. Soudah Development s’attache à développer une destination touristique de montagne de luxe qui s’étend d’Al Soudah à certaines zones de la vallée de Rijal Almaa, au cœur de la province d’Asir, située au sud-ouest de l’Arabie saoudite. Son ambition est d’en préserver le patrimoine naturel dans le respect du riche folklore local, tout en attirant deux millions de visiteurs par an à l’horizon 2033. S.A.R. le prince Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Président du fonds souverain du Royaume a annoncé la création de la Soudah Development Company le 24 février 2021.

Pour en savoir plus, nous vous invitons à consulter les liens ci-dessous :
Sites web : www.soudah.sa et www.soudahpeaks.com
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Source : NewsBeatWire

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Mohammed A. Alshehri


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New global study discovers people in pain feel more socially excluded than ever

  • Latest edition of Haleon Pain Index finds half (49%) of people in pain feel stigmatised[1][2]
  • 42% regularly feel lonely due to their pain, and one third feel serious loneliness (based on UCLA loneliness scale)[3]
  • 32% of people living in pain fear they will be judged
  • Women, people of colour and the LGBQ+ community are worst affected
  • Gen Z more likely to feel unheard than Baby Boomers

LONDON, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study of 18,097 people across 18 countries has discovered that society has grown less tolerant of people in pain, despite the effects of COVID-19 boosting global health awareness.

The fifth edition of the Haleon Pain Index (HPI)[1], conducted by consumer health company Haleon, suggests that attitudes towards pain in post-pandemic society are now more judgemental and less tolerant, with half (49%) of those in pain feeling stigmatised and a third (32%) fearing they will be judged about their pain.

The global index has been exploring the real impact pain has on people’s lives for almost a decade. This year’s study has found that, since the first edition in 2014, the social and emotional impact of pain has grown by nearly 25%, with stigma and social isolation arising from everyday pain increasing worldwide. 42% of people questioned said they regularly experience loneliness when in pain. Feelings of serious loneliness emerged globally, with 38% of people in mainland China, 33% in Australia and 32% in the UK reporting this. This coincides with warnings about the public health impacts of loneliness and social isolation issued by the World Health Organisation[4] and the Loneliness Epidemic[5] pointed out in spring 2023.

Dr Linda Papadopoulos, Psychologist and Author, commented: “Everyday pain is a health issue that can easily be dismissed or trivialised. Many don’t realise its effects can be much worse than the symptoms themselves. The result of loneliness and mental health impact caused by lack of empathy and being treated differently is only worsening. As a society, we need to improve empathy and understanding in a world that is continuing to harden to these issues.”

The HPI discovered that people who already experience bias, discrimination, and exclusion in society are the worst affected by these hardening views on pain.

  • 58% of women said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated versus 49% of men. This is highest amongst women in India (74%), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) (74%), Brazil (74%), and mainland China (61%).
  • 59% of people of colour said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated versus 48% of white people. This is highest in Brazil (71%), Poland (64%) and the USA (64%), whilst this is true for 60% in the UK.
  • 44% of LGBQ+ people feared that others will make assumptions about them and their pain, compared to 32% of heterosexuals. This is highest in India (61%), USA (54%), Canada (49%) and Australia (48%).

The study also revealed a sharp generational divide in the way people experience pain, suggesting that younger patients struggle most with making their pain known and accessing treatment:

  • 70% of Gen Z said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated, compared to 40% of Baby Boomers. This is highest in India (80%), the USA (79%) and for 74% of UK respondents.
  • 45% of Gen Z said being in pain was too much of a taboo for them to speak out, compared to 35% of Boomers.

While the older generation find it easier to express their pain and access treatment, they are the most marginalised when it comes to accessing health-related information online. 45% of 75–84-year-olds said they struggle to access this online because they do not feel confident navigating the internet, compared with 33% overall.

Respondents agreed on the need for a more personalised and compassionate view of pain. More than two thirds (68%) of people said more empathy to address bias and exclusion would make a real difference to their experience of pain. Meanwhile, 69% said they wished doctors and 62% wished pharmacists were better trained on how individual pain is for different patients.

Lisa Jennings, Head of Global Over the Counter Category at Haleon, said: “While pain is a universal human experience, resulting in loneliness and stigma for many, its impact varies considerably between social groups, with the most marginalised amongst the worst affected. Our ambition is to break down the barriers to achieving better everyday health for everyone – irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The HPI shows that we can lessen the social and emotional impact of pain by shifting perceptions and conversations around pain management. That’s why we’re taking action through several programs such as our #ListenToPain initiative which is being rolled out to health professionals across the globe.”

Haleon’s #ListenToPain programme supports health professionals to improve communication with patients and have a focused discussion on pain tailored to the individual. #ListentoPain includes five profiles that describe people with different attitudes and behaviours towards pain management that help health professionals customize their approach with their patients. With continuity of care, truly understanding how pain may change over time means pain management strategies can be evolved and be more effective in the long term.

Media Contacts

For more information on the HPI, or interview requests please contact:



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Notes to Editors

About the Haleon Pain Index study

The Haleon Pain Index (HPI) is a proprietary, globally representative, longitudinal social study conducted by Edelman Data x Intelligence (DXI). The study is designed to give a voice to those experiencing pain and assess the evolving state of pain. The study captures the perceived impact of pain on individuals’ everyday lives, their health, their feelings, emotions, motivations and behaviours, putting the human experience at the centre. In its fifth edition, the study assesses health inclusivity barriers to effective pain treatment. The perceptions of over 18,000 respondents across 18 countries were captured as part of the fifth edition.

Markets tracked in HPI 5: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, KSA, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA.

The age groups are split into different generations:

  • Gen Z: those between 18-26 years old
  • Millennials: those between 27-42 years old
  • Gen X: those between 43-58 years old
  • Boomers 1*: those between 59-66 years old
  • Boomers 2*: those between 67-77 years old
  • Silent: those between 78-84 years old

1*For the first time, the Haleon Pain Index (HPI) is now capturing the voice of experts, GPs, Pharmacists, and Nurses, in 4 key markets: Australia, Germany, KSA and the USA. In this first edition, we’ve gathered insights from over 600 experts (150 per market*) through a 15-minute online bespoke survey, exploring their views on pain, their challenges as healthcare professionals and the role they can play in driving positive change.

2*In the USA, our interviews included a mix of physicians and nurses; in Australia and KSA, a mix of physicians and pharmacists, and in Germany, a combination of pharmacists and pharmacists’ assistants.

About Listen To Pain

#ListenToPain is a global initiative from Haleon to enable health professionals to maximise their time with patients and help them to better understand a patient’s pain experience — providing the sufferer with a treatment plan that is right for them. Located on Haleon Health Partner, a dedicated digital platform for health professionals, #ListenToPain includes a series of practical tools for better interactions, assessments, and outcomes. These tools and resources for pharmacists will help them understand their patients pain better and navigate conversations around pain management.

Further information and the full range of #ListentoPain resources can we found on www.haleonhealthpartner.com.

About Haleon
Haleon (LSE / NYSE: HLN) is a global leader in consumer health, with a purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Haleon’s product portfolio spans five major categories – Oral Health, Pain Relief, Respiratory Health, Digestive Health and Other, and Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements (VMS). Its long-standing brands – such as Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax and Centrum – are built on trusted science, innovation and deep human understanding.
For more information, please visit www.haleon.com.

1 Haleon. Pain Index. 2023. Data on file.
2 The Haleon Pain Index is formerly known as the Global Pain Index.
3 Russell, D, et al.,1978. Developing a measure of loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 290-294. Available: https://fetzer.org/sites/default/files/images/stories/pdf/selfmeasures/Self_Measures_for_Loneliness_and_Interpersonal_Problems_UCLA_LONELINESS.pdf. [2023, September 18].
4 World Health Organization (WHO). N.d. Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available: https://www.who.int/teams/social-determinants-of-health/demographic-change-and-healthy-ageing/social-isolation-and-loneliness [2023, September 18].
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. Health Risks of Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available: https://www.cdc.gov/emotional-wellbeing/social-connectedness/loneliness.htm#:~:text=Social%20isolation%20and%20loneliness%20have,linked%20to%20increased%20risk%20for%3A&text=Heart%20disease%20and%20stroke.,Type%202%20diabetes. [2023, September 18].

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8929418

Vice President reaffirms improvement in quality of higher education

The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, on Thursday reaffirmed the Executive’s commitment to improving the quality of the Higher Education subsystem, putting it at the service of inclusion, innovation and sustainable development.

Speaking at the solemn opening of the Academic Year 2023/2024, Esperança da Costa said that it was necessary to pave the way for a future where knowledge is, in fact, the transforming force to face contemporary challenges, which require solutions and a great capacity for adaptation from all the players in the Higher Education subsystem.

The Vice-President of the Republic emphasised the progress the country has made in terms of expansion and access to higher education over the last two decades.

She also emphasised the need to convert this expansion into the training of more qualified professionals capable of meeting the current demands.

Among the actions planned for the five-year period (2023-2027), the Vice-President of the Republic highlighted the increase and improvement of infrastructures, access to Higher Education, improving the training offer and valuing gender equity, investment in Higher Institutes of Educational Sciences (ISCED) and Higher Pedagogical Schools.

In the implementation of these actions, which will rely on resources from the State Budget and financial support from partners such as the European Union, the World Bank, the Global Partnership for Education and the African Development Bank, the promotion of digital transformation in institutions and the consolidation of the higher education quality assurance system stand out.

The Vice-President of the Republic pointed out that if, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the training offer and access to higher education, on the other, “it is critical to promote the strengthening of skills and the qualitative differentiation of teaching staff, scientific researchers and non-teaching staff”.

According to Esperança da Costa, for the reality of the country, the improvement of the training offer should focus above all on the creation of new STEAM courses (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths).

She also stressed that investment should not only focus on human capital, but also on strengthening and modernising infrastructure, noting that a series of actions were underway that showed the Executive’s commitment to the permanent pursuit of quality.

In the field of curricula, the Vice-President of the Republic highlighted the introduction of five (5) new doctoral courses, nine (9) master’s degrees and four (4) specialisation courses, with funding of 1.8 million euros.

She said that the courses would benefit Agostinho Neto University (Luanda), José Eduardo dos Santos University (Huambo), Katyavala Bwila University (Benguela), as well as ISCED in Kwanza Sul and Huíla.

The ceremony, which took place at the Academy of Social Sciences (ACITE) in Kilamba, was marked by the signing of the terms of commitment for the postgraduate courses approved in the Second Call for Proposals of the UNI.AO Programme, with European Union funding of 1.2 million Euros.

Thirteen new specialisation courses in priority sectors were approved and 10 public and private higher education institutions from six (6) provinces were selected, namely Huíla, Luanda, Malange, Benguela, Namibe and Kwanza Sul.

The courses are scheduled to start at the beginning of 2024.

Higher education classes are scheduled to begin on Monday 2 October, with a timetable of 42 teaching weeks, spread over two semesters of 21 weeks each, and nine weeks of preparation, due to end in July next year.

A total of 230,252 places are available for the current academic year in public and private institutions across the country.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Oloja of Lagos speaks on upholding late Oba Kosoko’s legacies

The Oloja of Lagos, Prince Abiola Olojo-Kosoko, on Wednesday urged Nigerians to continue to uphold the legacies of his projenitor, late Morounfolu Eshinlokun, popularly called “Kosoko”.

Olojo-Kosoko made the call when officials of the Lagos State Council for Arts and Culture paid a visit to his palace in Ereko, Lagos.

The traditional ruler, who relayed historical facts on the emergence of Lagos State from the lineage of his projenitor explained that late Kosoko who was the first Oloja in Lagos was instrumental to the highly enterprising nature of the state.

He described late Kosoko as a very powerful, well revered and wealthy man who traded in slaves extensively and well loved by many.

He said that Eshinlokun acquired the nickname, Kosoko, because of circumstances surrounding his several births and deaths.

“ The last time Kosoko reincarnated he came back with two stones which are still available at his palace.

“ Kosoko’s metaphysical power is linked to these stones and one other one added to it in the course of his life which are now called “Esu ori omi”, “Esu ori ile and Ota Inu omi”.

“ These are what made Kosoko what he is today in Ereko here”.

“ Kosoko’s deities are still alive till today, people do not come to Kosoko palace and say evil, it will happen. There are places people can not go here, if they do, they can loose their testicles or sight or even a woman can menstruate till death.

“So, many things are attached to Kosoko,” he said.

Speaking on how kingship was transferred down, Oloja-Kosoko said Eshinlokun, Kosoko’s father, was far away in Mayin River, now known as Epe, when his father, (Ologun Kutere), died and Adele Ajose was crowned king of Lagos.

He said Kosoko came back unhappy and this created division within Iga Iduganran Palace.

He explained that Adele was married to an Oyo woman who introduced Egun masquerade to the town but the people view such as a negative deity and so decided to use that against him so he relocated to the western shore of Lagos colony, now called Badagry

According to him, Eshinlokun was then crowned king of Lagos and his reign witnessed a boom in slave business and Kosoko got the title as the only heir to the throne.

He said this was in obedience to the dictate of the then Oba of Benin who said the first son of the king should become the next king after the death of the ruling king.

“Eshinlokun expanded his slave business wider to Dahomey, Porte Novo and all and this made him citizen to over 4 different countries aside Nigeria.

“Also, in the course of Kosoko’s movement and trade in slavery, Eshinloye died after 25 years on the throne, Kosoko was not in town so they had to bring in his younger brother, Idewu who became the king of Lagos.

“Later Kosoko came back to realise his brother had been crowned and all the slaves Kosoko inherited from his father came together to say they wanted him to be king but his mother took him and his siblings to her private residence at Ita-Kose, known as the levy collecting house to pacify them.

“Kososko later accepted his brother as king but Idewu knowing who Kosoko was decided to pronounce him as “Oloja of Ereko”in 1833.

“As the Oloja of Ereko, Kosoko collects levies and gives whatever he choses to his brother but the people do not like Idewu so they went to Kosoko to tell him to take over.

“That was the point when politics and back-biting began in the kingship selection in Lagos,” he said.

The traditional ruler noted that because the people did not like Idewu, he was made to open the pot of secrecy which would warrant him to either commit suicide or leave the throne.

”So, he eventually commited suicide without giving birth to any child.”

Olojo-Kosoko said that after all these, another woman, Efunroye Tinubu, reached an agreement with Kosoko to continue as the Oloja of Ereko as he allowed his uncle, Adele become the king which he conceded to.

He said this made Tinubu also become Iya Oloja of Lagos but not long, Adele died when Kosoko was not around and the stool of oba of Lagos became a mirage and before Kosoko’s return, Oluwole, son to Adele was crowned.

He said upon Kosoko’s return, he was not happy about the development, there were rancour and Eletu-Idigbo, the kingmaker who had been having issues with Kosoko was contacted to consult Ifa.

According to him, Ifa revealed Kosoko as the next king but Eletu-Idigbo intensionally pronounced Oluwole as the king.

“This led to Kosoko and his siblings assasinating Oluwole whose corpse could only be recognised with his beads later.

“There after, Akitoye was crowned the king of Lagos.

“Kosoko experienced series of betrayals, one of such occasions, he beheaded his wife in the presence of some British slave merchants and killed some of them as well.

“The British got angry and this led to the bombardment of Lagos in Dec. 1851.

“So, that era of kingship tussle experienced four wars: Ogun Konilegbele, Ogun Ewe Koko, Ogun Olomiro and Ogun Awoyaya,” he said.

According to the traditional ruler, after several years of kingship tussle and Kosoko went on exile, a treaty of peace was signed by all parties including Kosoko, the British assured him that there will be peace.

He said Kosoko only came out of exile after 9 years of signing the treaty while the British assured him of being paid $10,000 annually but he had to stop the slave business.

“Epetedo and Ereko palace springed up as a result of getting a place for Kosoko to stay. His merchants and loyalists stayed in Epetedo and he came back as the Oloja of Lagos, while he stayed in Ereko here,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Idowu Johnson, Director of Lagos State Council for Arts and Culture, said the council was out to harness the authentic history of Lagos State through traditional rulers that ruled before the emergence of the state.

Johnson said this would help in proper preservation and marketing of the state as a choice destination to intending tourists. (NAN) (nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Climate change: COP28 presidency to ensure awareness for indigenous communities

The COP28 presidency (UN Climate Change Conference) has set out plans to ensure indigenous communities will have their voices heard at November’s crucial climate summit in Dubai, UAE.

The announcement was made by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, Ms Razan Al Mubarak.

She stressed the need for the 2023 conference to be accessible for all sections of society.

Al Mubarak said that the measures would include financial support to allow elders to attend the global summit in Dubai, as well as subsidised accommodation for 150 delegates and translation services.

The COP28 team will also fund a report centred on direct access to finance for indigenous people undertaking climate action.

“Indigenous Peoples are one of the nine official constituencies-organisations which have the status of observers – in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

“Still, their valuable perspectives remain underrepresented in multilateral climate processes, and they receive a very small share of the international funding for climate action,” she said.

Al Mubarak, who is also the President, International Union for Conservation of Nature, said the COP28 presidency and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions team had been engaging with indigenous people organisations throughout the year.

“One recurring theme in the discussions has been the need for greater inclusion of indigenous people in the negotiations process.

“This is far more than a moral imperative; we simply won’t be able to solve the climate crisis without authentically incorporating the leadership of Indigenous Peoples and other traditionally underrepresented groups such as women and youth,” she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Dr Sultan Al Jaber is the COP28 President-Designate and UAE’s Special Envoy for Climate Change.

The UAE will host the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12 at Expo City Dubai.

The annual conference brings together world leaders, ministers and negotiators to agree on how to address issues on climate change.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Army Chief reiterates commitment to personnel welfare, infrastructure

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has reiterated the commitment of the Nigerian Army to enhance the welfare of personnel and boost the infrastructure in army barracks, units and formations.

Lagbaja made the commitment on Thursday in Abuja at the Annual Command Guest Houses Stakeholders Conference.

Represented by the Chief of Policy and Plans, Maj.-Gen. Abdulsalam Ibrahim, the COAS said the construction of guest houses was part of efforts to provide secure, affordable and reliable accommodation for officers and soldiers, as well the general public.

Lagbaja said the Army currently has guest houses in Lagos, Abuja, Yola, Maiduguri, Kaduna and Sokoto states, adding that more would be provided in major cities in all the geo political zones of the country.

“Meanwhile, since my assumption of command, efforts have been focused on improving infrastructure facilities in various barracks, offices and institutions.

“To this effect, I have charged the Chief of Special Services and Programmes to assess the state of facilities of all the command guest houses and ensure that key areas of concern are addressed to enhance their functionality and efficiency.

“Recently about 40 officers were sent on internship programmes in some selected reputable hotels in Abuja and Lagos to enhance their managerial skills in the hospitality business.

The COAS said he would ensure that the facilities were efficiently and profitably managed, in order to continue providing acceptable premium services.

Lagbaja said that the army and other services remained firmly focused on its constitutional role of defending the territorial integrity of the nation.

“As you all continue to provide resources and an enabling environment for efficient administration and effective operations, our personnel must reciprocate their total commitment to duty and absolute loyalty to constituted authority.

“I again charged the department to continue to improve on its current accomplishments while exploring other opportunities in the industry,” he added.

The Chief of Special Services and Programmes, Maj.-Gen. Henry Wesley, said that the investment in guest houses was to provide military personnel with secure and affordable accommodation.

Wesley pledged to consolidate on the services being provided, so as to attract more customers to the facilities.

According to him, the theme of the conference is meant to agree on ways to make command guest houses, a notable national brand in the hospitality industry.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Coalition writes Tinubu, demands SSAP on youth affairs, others

A coalition of Nigerian Youth Leaders (CNYL) has written to President Bola Tinubu, demanding the appointment of a Senior Special Assistant to the President (SSAP) on Youth Affairs.

Mr Nehemiah Zaka, the National Coordinator of the CNYL, who spoke on behalf of the coalition, made the call in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

Zaka said that a letter of appeal signed by 42 youth organisations made up of youth activists to this effect had already been written to the President.

He said that the coalition also demanded other appointments from among renowned and practicing youth development experts and professionals.

Zaka commended the President for re-establishing a full-fledged Federal Ministry of Youth Development and also appointed young people as cabinet members.

He also commended the president for making history as becoming the first President to uplift the Ministry by appointing a Minister and a Minister of State.

He said by this the President, showcased the importance he placed on youth development.

He said that the appointment of a SSAP on Youth Affairs, and other political appointments from among the coalition would satisfy the yearnings of the youth constituency.

“This would equally bring experience and expertise to bear on decision making processes on youth development matters in the renewed hope of the Tinubu administration.

The coalition further said strategic advocacy had been planned to press home its demands.

He said the coalition believed it is in the best interests of the nation and participatory government promised by the President. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG to boost investment in climate change, infrastructural devt

The Federal Government has urged stakeholders of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to work closely to advance investment in infrastructural development and climate change.

Amb. Bolaji Akinremi, Director, Economic, Trade and Investment, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said this on Tuesday in Abuja.

He spoke at the inter-ministerial meeting centered on preparation for the Africa Infrastructure, Climate Change and Investment Summit (AICIS) + Exhibition, to hold from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, 2023 in Washington DC, U.S.

He commended the planning committee for the AICIS + Exhibition initiative, describing it as worthy to promote investment in climate change and infrastructure development.

Akinremi said, “Past government administration did their best and now, the new administration has shown it will really focus on infrastructure.

“So we need to take this very seriously, I want you to look into it, if it has anything to do with your MDAs.

“You have a lot to say on this matter; some of us were there when the Paris Agreement was signed and you know the battle we have to go through now.”

Speaking, Mr Moses Owharo, Chairman, Planning and Organising Committee of AICIS, said the support from MDAs had become important to tackle climate change and infrastructural deficit issues.

He identified climate change issues to include electricity power generation, alternative energy, hydro-electric facility for agricultural purpose, water/dam to fight deforestation in Africa till 2028.

According to him, others are environmental impact assessment on climate, soil, livestock, fauna, green vegetation and green belt replenishment.

“These are global issues and of national concern, because climate change and infrastructural deficit cut across states and local communities.

“The main goal of the programme is for Africa infrastructural development and Climate Change funding that government may not be able to cover.

“Maybe due to shortage of resources they can access funding; this is the main reason we want to go to the U.S., and mobilise for such fund.

“This fund will be focused solely for Africa and will be used to tackle issues faced in Africa,” Owharo said.

Also speaking, Amb. Fatima Joshua, Vice-President of Nigerians in Diaspora (NIDO) Asia, commended the initiative saying more would be done to encourage relevant support.

Joshua, also Member of AICIS Planing/Orgasing Committee said, “We have been pursuing the cause in the U.S., to see how we can have medical support in Nigeria.

“Now we have two fleet of containers loaded with medical equipments given to us freely to bring to Nigeria.

“To support communities having health crisis and where there is no adequate hospital, we have talked to many nations and they are ready to support us.”

The meeting was attended by stakeholders of MDAs, diplomatic community, Nigeria Immigration Service and AICIS planning committee. (NAN) (www.nannews.com.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria