IEAD et Envision signent une lettre d’intention pour construire le plus grand parc éolien de l’ANASE

SHANGHAI, 5 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — La société Envision Group (Envision) annonce qu’elle a signé une lettre d’intention avec Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD) pour la fourniture d’éoliennes dans le cadre du projet emblématique Monsoon Wind de 600 MW au Laos. La construction du parc éolien débutera cette année et son exploitation commerciale est prévue en 2025. Une fois achevé, il s’agira du plus grand parc éolien de l’ASEAN et du premier projet transfrontalier d’énergie éolienne de la région.

Envision Logo

Le parc éolien sera situé dans les provinces de Sekong et d’Attapeu dans le sud de la République démocratique populaire lao. Envision prévoit de fournir 133 éoliennes EN-171 d’une puissance de 4,51 MW. Le projet Monsoon Wind produira plus de 1 700 GWh d’énergie verte chaque année. L’électricité produite dans le cadre du projet sera acheminée de la République démocratique populaire lao vers le centre du Vietnam par la ligne de transmission de 500 kV prévue à cet effet.

M. Nat Hutanuwatr, directeur général d’IEAD, a commenté : « Alors que nous faisons d’excellents progrès dans le développement du premier et plus grand parc éolien transfrontalier en Asie du Sud-Est à un tarif très compétitif, nous sommes ravis d’accueillir Envision dans notre formidable projet de production d’électricité sans carbone. La technologie de pointe d’Envision pour les éoliennes proposées et son expérience d’exécution fructueuse seront des éléments clés qui permettront au projet d’atteindre ses objectifs de manière fiable et économique ».

Le projet Monsoon a suscité l’attention du monde entier depuis ses débuts. La filiale d’IEAD, Impact Electrons Siam Company Limited (IES), a commencé à développer le parc éolien en 2011 et IEAD a signé un accord d’achat d’électricité de 25 ans avec Vietnam Electricity (EVN) en juillet 2021.

Envision collabore également avec IES pour le développement du projet éolien de Xekong, un autre parc éolien de 1 000 MW sur un site adjacent au projet Monsoon. IES a récemment annoncé qu’elle avait obtenu les droits exclusifs du gouvernement de la République démocratique populaire lao pour mener une étude de faisabilité et une évaluation préliminaire de l’impact sur l’environnement pour le projet éolien de Xekong.

À propos d’Impact Energy Asia Development Limited

Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD), qui développe le projet Monsoon Wind, est détenu à 55 % par Impact Wind Investment Limited et à 45 % par BCPG Public Company Limited, une société leader dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables en Thaïlande et en Asie-Pacifique.

À propos d’Impact Electrons Siam Limited 

Impact Electrons Siam Limited (IES) est une entreprise pionnière dans le développement des énergies renouvelables, dont le siège social se trouve en Thaïlande. Elle compte plus de 1 900 MW de projets d’énergie éolienne et solaire en développement et en exploitation en Thaïlande, au Japon, au Laos et au Vietnam. IES est une entreprise privée fondée en 2011. IES développe des solutions d’énergie renouvelable propres, abordables et fiables et fait figure de précurseur en matière d’innovation visionnaire dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables, avec pour objectif de construire un avenir meilleur pour les populations de la région.

IES dirige le développement des parcs éoliens de Monsoon et de Xekong dans le sud de la République démocratique populaire lao, qui disposeront d’une capacité totale de 1 600 MW. IES a récemment annoncé que le projet Monsoon Wind Power Project avait signé un accord d’achat d’électricité avec Vietnam Electricity, le projet étant en bonne voie d’atteindre la clôture financière en 2022.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

À propos d’Envision Group

Envision Group est une entreprise internationale de premier plan dans le domaine des technologies vertes et un partenaire technologique zéro émission. Avec la mission de « résoudre les défis pour un avenir durable de l’humanité ». Envision conçoit, vend et exploite des éoliennes et un système de stockage intelligents par le biais d’Envision Energy ; des batteries alimentées par l’AIoT par le biais d’Envision AESC ; et le plus grand système d’exploitation AIoT au monde par le biais d’Envision Digital. Elle est également propriétaire de l’équipe de Formule E Envision Racing. Envision continue de promouvoir l’énergie éolienne et solaire comme le « nouveau charbon », les batteries et l’hydrogène combustible comme le « nouveau pétrole », le réseau AIoT comme le « nouveau réseau », les parcs industriels zéro émission comme la « nouvelle infrastructure », et de promouvoir la construction et la culture de la « nouvelle industrie » verte.

La société Envision Group a été classée dans le Top 10 des 50 entreprises les plus intelligentes du monde en 2019 par le MIT Technology Review. En octobre 2021, Envision a été classée deuxième au monde sur la liste Fortune « Change the World ». Envision Group a rejoint l’initiative mondiale ‘RE100’ et est devenu la première entreprise de Chine continentale à s’engager à produire 100 % d’électricité renouvelable d’ici 2025. Le 22 avril 2021, Envision Group a annoncé sa volonté d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans ses opérations d’ici 2022 et d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans l’ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d’ici 2028.

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur

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Avec le lancement d’un passeport vaccinal reconnu mondialement, la série de réunions du GTS du G20 en Indonésie accueille davantage de visiteurs internationaux

JAKARTA5 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Assumant la présidence du prochain sommet du G20, l’Indonésie a entamé la série de réunions du Groupe de travail sur la santé (GTS) qui a eu lieu du 28 au 30 mars 2022 à Yogyakarta, en Indonésie.

Indonesia's Ministry of Health Discussed Global Standard Health Protocols in the HWG Meetings

La présidence indonésienne du G20 cherche à harmoniser les procédures de voyage sécuritaires et saines à travers le monde, en particulier la reconnaissance des certificats de vaccination contre la COVID-19 à la suite de la pandémie qui a ravagé les pays du monde entier. La réunion du GTS visait à favoriser un dialogue dans le secteur de la santé entre les pays participants et à synchroniser les protocoles sanitaires mondiaux.

Au total, 70 délégués étrangers et 50 délégués locaux ont assisté à la réunion. Les délégués qui ont participé en personne étaient l’Australie, l’Argentine, le Royaume-Uni, l’Inde, etc., et l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS). Pendant ce temps, ceux qui y ont assisté virtuellement comprenaient le Canada, la France, etc., et des organisations internationales comme la Banque mondiale.

« Nous devons avoir des protocoles sanitaires synchronisés à l’échelle mondiale pour permettre des voyages internationaux plus sûrs et accélérer la reprise économique et sociale pour de bon », a déclaré Budi Gunadi Sadikin, ministre de la Santé de l’Indonésie.

La réunion du GTS a dévoilé le lancement de la normalisation des certificats de vaccination numériques contre la COVID-19 au moyen d’un vérificateur universel établi conformément aux normes de l’OMS. Le système est basé sur le Web qui peut être utilisé sur tous les appareils. Chaque pays n’a pas besoin de changer le système ou les codes QR actuellement utilisés.

Les restrictions en matière de protocole sanitaire diffèrent d’un pays à l’autre. Par exemple, des pays européens comme le Danemark, la Hongrie, etc., ont levé toutes les mesures, mais certains exigent toujours un certificat de vaccination à l’arrivée. Alors que les pays du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique exigent toujours un certificat de vaccination ou un test PCR.

Chaque pays a la possibilité d’appliquer les protocoles sanitaires nécessaires à son propre pays. Cependant, les procédures sont claires et universelles, renforçant ainsi l’architecture de santé mondiale et facilitant les voyages entre les pays.

La synchronisation des protocoles sanitaires est nécessaire pour soutenir l’interconnectivité des informations sur la santé. Ce processus devrait commencer dans les pays du G20 et s’étendre à d’autres pays à travers le monde.

La deuxième réunion du GTS à Lombok, en juin, portera sur le Fonds mondial pour la santé en cas de future pandémie. Le dernier de la série du GTS à Bali, en novembre, discutera de la recherche médicale mondiale.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez le site Web du ministère de la Santé de l’Indonésie

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AACSB Highlights 24 Business Schools Elevating Diversity and Inclusion

Seventh annual member spotlight program features business education’s commitment to action

TAMPA, Fla., April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, AACSB International (AACSB)—the world’s largest business education alliance—announces 24 business schools highlighted in its Innovations That Inspire member spotlight program.

AACSB 2022 Innovations That Inspire

This annual program recognizes institutions from around the world that serve as champions of change in the business education landscape. In 2022, the highlights feature efforts to elevate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). Emphasis on DEIB is a key feature of AACSB’s 2020 business accreditation standards and the focus of a recently released positioning paper. The paper illustrates AACSB’s commitment to equitable access to high-quality business education globally and calls on the business education community to embed the tenets of DEIB into its strategies and cultures.

The featured innovations address challenges and opportunities across academia, businesses and workplaces, and communities. Examples include:

  • The Egypt Women on Boards Observatory: Founded by a consortium initiated by the American University in Cairo School of Business, the effort supports the national objective of having women compose 30 percent of public and private company boards in Egypt by 2030.
  • The Australian Digital Inclusion Index from Swinburne University of Technology’s School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship—Centre for Social Impact: This multiyear project that documents digital inclusion in Australia by both geography and demography is the only comprehensive index of its kind.
  • Florida State University’s Workforce Inclusion course: Within the College of Business, this transformative course prepares students to both accommodate and integrate persons with varying abilities into the workforce.

“Progress toward more welcoming, inclusive spaces requires action, and the highlights of the 2022 Innovations That Inspire initiative demonstrate leadership in this important effort,” said Caryn Beck-Dudley, AACSB president and CEO. “Through collaborations—among business schools, businesses, and communities—we will create a strong global society and equip leaders for positive impact.”

Now in its seventh year, the Innovations That Inspire initiative has highlighted nearly 200 business school efforts that exemplify forward-looking approaches to education, research, community engagement or outreach, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Support for the 2022 Innovations That Inspire member spotlight program is provided by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

More insights and examples are available at

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With a presence in more than 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB is transforming business education for a better society at

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Sweegen’s Signature Stevia Approved in Colombia

Approval opens door for more food and beverage sugar reduction solutions.

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., April 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen expanded its Signature stevia footprint in Latin America after Colombia approved its stevia sweeteners made by bioconversion, a method producing clean and non-GMO ingredients. Sweegen’s rebaudiosides E and I will now join the already approved D and M.

“Latin America is one of our most important markets globally,” said Luca Giannone, senior vice president of global sales. “The continuous development of our Signature sweeteners and sweetener system demonstrates our commitment to investing in new technologies for helping brands tackle sugar reduction challenges and replace sugar in better-for-you food and beverages in Colombia.”

Triggered by rising levels of obesity, Colombia has undergone a nutrition transition. The country has prioritized the health and well-being of children and families by adopting policies to address the obesity epidemic. Colombia’s Ministry of Health has prioritized sugar reduction by exploring sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes to mandatory front-of-pack warning labels through legislative, and public media pushes. The country joins the growing list of Latin American countries prioritizing health, including Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and Mexico.

In South America, 52% of consumers say they are looking to moderate sugar intake in soft drinks, according to FMCG Gurus 2021. Colombia ranks third in the region for new product launches in soft drinks and fourth for sales value in 2018, following Brazil and Argentina, as reported by Innova Market Insights.

“As new product launches have increased in recent years, brands have a clear opportunity to create healthy innovative food and beverages, replacing up to 100% sugar with Sweegen’s Signature stevia and sweetener system,” said Giannone.

“The regulatory development is good news for Sweegen to introduce more steviol glycosides made by bioconversion. It also gives consumer packaged goods (CPGs) direct access to Sweegen’s Signature sweeteners without waiting for additional product registration in Colombia,” said Hadi Omrani, senior director of technical and regulatory affairs.

New generation rebaudiosides made by bioconversion produce clean sweetener molecules like rebaudiosides B, D, E, I, M, and N, originally found in small quantities in the stevia leaf. They impart a clean sugar-like taste with a better sensory profile and are highly sought-after by food and beverage manufacturers in countries with regulatory approvals.

As Colombia traverses health and wellness improvement, brands now have less pressure to navigate sugar reduction solutions. Sweegen is a resource of expertise for brands to collaborate on new and exciting foods and beverages that resonate with consumers. Sweegen’s LATAM Innovation Studio, located in Mexico City, serves the entire region. It is one of many global creative centers home to product developers exploring sweet taste solutions, local consumer insights, and collaborating on new or reformulated products with Sweegen’s expert food and applications team.

“Brands have the excellent opportunity to adopt a healthy profile and broaden their product offerings to consumers increasingly interested in better-for-you foods and beverages,” said Steven Chen, Sweegen’s chief executive officer. “We’re ready to help brands navigate the future of healthy food and beverages.”

About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce the sugar and artificial sweeteners in our global diet. Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero-sugar products that consumers love.  With the best next-generation stevia sweeteners in our portfolio, such as Bestevia® Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, along with our deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market-leading solutions that customers want, and consumers prefer. Be well. Choose well.

For more information, please contact and visit Sweegen’s website,

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener. These statements are based on current expectations but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and are beyond the control of Sweegen, Inc.

Relevant risks and uncertainties include those referenced in the historic filings of Sweegen, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements, and, therefore, should be carefully considered. Sweegen, Inc. assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements due to new information or future events or developments.


Ana Arakelian, head of public relations and communications

Conférence de presse de l’Eglise Shincheonji réunissant 1 500 pasteurs

NEW YORK, 5 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — l’Église Shincheonji de Jésus, le Temple du Tabernacle du Témoignage a organisé une conférence de presse le 2 avril via Zoom. Au total, 1 500 pasteurs de différents pays y ont participé. Des journalistes de différents médias étaient également présents.

Shincheonji Church Chairman Lee speaking to pastors and reporters during the April 2nd press conference

L’église Shincheonji a accueilli l’événement pour présenter les résultats de ses récents séminaires en ligne. Les pasteurs qui ont signé des protocoles d’entente avec Shincheonji ont partagé des témoignages.

« Auparavant, tout ce que je prêchais, c’était que tout le monde devait croire en Jésus et qu’en partageant la grâce de cette manière, on obtiendrait le salut », a déclaré Dongsu Kim, pasteur de Peace Church. « Sans être épanouie, je pensais que le paradis était un endroit où l’on allait après la mort. Je croyais qu’il y avait une résurrection après la mort. »

Le pasteur Kim enseigne actuellement la parole révélée de l’église Shincheonji à sa congrégation. « Il est grand temps pour tous les pasteurs de venir apprendre afin de pouvoir vivre une vie de foi dans la vérité exacte », a-t-il déclaré.

À ce jour, 2 155 pasteurs, 22 écoles de séminaire et 958 églises dans 67 pays ont signé des protocoles d’entente avec l’église Shincheonji. En échange de leur coopération, Shincheonji fournit aux églises et aux séminaires du matériel théologique et met à leur disposition des instructeurs bibliques. Aux États-Unis, un instructeur de Shincheonji a été invité à enseigner à 100 membres de la Early Church of the New Era. Le doyen d’un séminaire pakistanais, qui a signé un protocole d’accord avec l’Église, propose des cours du programme Shincheonji.

Lee Man-hee, président de l’église Shincheonji, a également pris la parole lors de la conférence de presse, expliquant comment il en est venu à partager la parole et évoquant le rôle des pasteurs aujourd’hui.

« Combattons et triomphons du diable avec le sang de Jésus et la parole du témoignage et façonnons le peuple du royaume de Dieu afin que Dieu puisse enfin venir et régner sur le monde après 6 000 ans », a déclaré le président Lee. « C’est ce que [Dieu] nous a fait connaître à travers la Bible. Je souhaite que chacun grave dans son cœur les paroles de tous les chapitres de l’Apocalypse – qui est la loi du ciel. »

L’église Shincheonji enseigne l’Apocalypse et les secrets du royaume des cieux par le biais de séminaires en ligne depuis octobre 2021. Les conférences ont des millions de vues sur YouTube et sont disponibles en 24 langues différentes. L’église diffuse également du contenu de son cours de niveau intermédiaire jusqu’au 27 juin. Les leçons et la conférence de presse du 2 avril sont disponibles sur la chaîne YouTube officielle de l’église Shincheonji.

Contact pour les médias :

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Visa and PopID Form Partnership to Launch Facial Verification Payments in the Middle East

  • P lans for roll-out in the MENA and CEE regions underway through joint venture with global investment conglomerate Dubai Holding

PASADENA, Calif. and DUBAI, UAE, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — PopID, a consumer authentication service, and Visa (NYSE: V), the world’s leader in digital payments, announced a partnership to collaborate on launching facial verification payment acceptance in the Middle East region.  The goal of the partnership is to provide cardholders with new safe, secure, and innovative ways to pay.

PopPay (Image courtesy of PopID)

The first operators to welcome PopPay (PopID’s facial biometric payment solution) in the market will be Costa Coffee, MMI, and grocery chain Géant, in addition to Cove Beach at Caesars Palace Dubai and Coca-Cola Arena Dubai, both of which belong to the portfolio of Dubai Holding, the diversified global investment company headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

In addition to select brick-and-mortar businesses of Dubai Holding adopting PopPay as a new way to accept payments, PopID has recently signed an agreement with Dubai Holding to soon establish a joint venture that will support the roll-out of PopPay in the CEE and MENA regions.

During the initial phase of the partnership, Dubai Holding will deploy PopPay at some of its assets across its leading destinations and attractions, which will be followed by the adoption of the payment technology across Dubai Holding’s wider ecosystem and through partners across CEE and MENA region.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, 85% of executives believe biometrics will be used to authenticate the vast majority of payments in the next ten years. “Facial biometric payments are at the forefront of payments innovation, providing cardholders a fast, seamless and most importantly, secure way to authenticate and make a payment,” said Akshay Chopra, Head of Visa CEMEA Innovation & Design. “From across our partner network, we’ve seen heightened interest in co-creating new facial and biometric payments moments. Through this partnership with PopPay, we are keen to help clients roll out biometric payment capabilities faster and with more success.”

Under the alliance with Visa, issuing banks will be invited to join the platform and give their customers the ability to link their facial biometrics to their debit or credit cards to make payments; and acquiring banks will be offered the opportunity to distribute PopID’s proprietary face pay terminals to brick and mortar businesses.  “We expect face pay to become the global standard for payments, and we are determined to make PopPay the consumer brand that is used and trusted by people all over the world,” said John Miller, CEO of PopID.

Throughout 2022, the platform will look to further scale across the Middle East region by partnering with key merchants to provide this leading payments technology to consumers.  This second international deployment follows the launch of PopPay Japan through a joint venture with a subsidiary of SoftBank Corp.

About PopID

PopID provides a trusted and secure platform that enables businesses to give their customers and employees the option of authenticating their identity using advanced facial verification.

About Visa

Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) is the world’s leader in digital payments. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, reliable and secure payment network – enabling individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. Our advanced global processing network, VisaNet, provides secure and reliable payments around the world, and is capable of handling more than 65,000 transaction messages a second. The company’s relentless focus on innovation is a catalyst for the rapid growth of connected commerce on any device, and a driving force behind the dream of a cashless future for everyone, everywhere. As the world moves from analog to digital, Visa is applying our brand, products, people, network and scale to reshape the future of commerce. For more information, visit About Visa and @VisaNews.

About Dubai Holding

Dubai Holding is a diversified global investment company with operations in over 13 countries and employing over 20,000 people. Established in 2004, Dubai Holding touches the lives of millions of Dubai residents and visitors through its extensive portfolio of over AED 130 billion worth of assets that support the diversification and sustainable growth of Dubai’s economy across 10 key sectors: Real Estate, Hospitality, Leisure & Entertainment, Media, ICT, Design, Education, Retail, Manufacturing & Logistics and Science.

Press Contact
Diane Zuniga
Golin / 909-510-0433

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Nikkiso’s Heavy Duty SLS Pump Provides Mission Operations for the Space Industry

TEMECULA, Calif., April 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Group), a part of Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan), is proud to supply one of the largest-known launch support system in the world. For over four decades, they have been providing uninterrupted operating systems (24/7) for the space and launch industry.

These units must supply a continuous operation to fulfill mission tasks. Reliability is critical for a heavy-duty rocket launch, and the pumps need to operate non-stop during the launch. The Group is consistently chosen for its launch support systems due to their 70 years’ experience, level of service and ability to provide local support.

Designed, engineered and manufactured by the Group’s Cryogenic Pumps Unit (Nikkiso ACD) the HD SLS is a robust, highly reliable addition to their reciprocating high pressure/ high flow line of pumps. These pumps and their corresponding systems are specifically designed for the rigorous requirements of this application, including wide turn-down ratios, minimum cool-down time and maximized mean time between overhaul (MTBO).

“We are very proud to play a part in the growing space industry, and to be able to provide the performance and reliability required in such important missions,” according to Daryl Lamy, President & CEO of Nikkiso ACD / Nikkiso Cryo.

Nikkiso ACD has over 70 years of experience with high pressure pumping applications, and thousands in operation during that time.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment and small-scale process plants for the liquefied natural gas (LNG), well services and industrial gas industries. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and

Anna Quigley

IEAD and Envision ink LOI to build the largest wind farm in ASEAN

SHANGHAI, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Envision Group (Envision) announces that it has signed a Letter of intent (LOI) with Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD) for the supply of wind turbines to the iconic 600MW Monsoon Wind Project in Lao PDR. The wind farm will commence construction this year and is expected to achieve commercial operation in 2025. Once completed, it will be the largest wind farm in ASEAN as well as region’s first cross-border wind energy project.


The wind farm will be located in the Sekong and Attapeu provinces in Southern Lao PDR. Envision plans to supply 133 units of EN-171 wind turbines with a power rating of 4.51 MW. The Monsoon Wind Project will generate over 1,700 GWh of green energy each year. The project’s electricity generation will be delivered from Lao PDR to Central Vietnam through the project’s dedicated 500 kV transmission line.

Mr. Nat Hutanuwatr, Managing Director of IEAD, commented “As we are making excellent progress in developing the first and largest cross-border wind farm in South East Asia with a very competitive tariff, we are delighted to welcome Envision to join our exciting journey to deliver zero carbon electricity. Envision’s state-of-the-art technology for the proposed wind turbine solution and its successful execution track record will be key enablers for the project to achieve its objectives reliably and economically.”

The Monsoon Project has attracted global attention since its initial stages. IEAD’s affiliate, Impact Electrons Siam Company Limited (IES), started developing the wind farm in 2011 and IEAD signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) in July 2021.

Envision is also collaborating with IES on IES’ development of the Xekong Wind Project, a further 1,000 MW wind farm on a site adjacent to the Monsoon Project. IES recently announced that it had obtained exclusive rights from the Government of Lao PDR to conduct a feasibility study and preliminary Environment Impact Assessment for the Xekong Wind Project.

About Impact Energy Asia Development Limited
Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD) is developing the Monsoon Wind Project and is 55% owned by Impact Wind Investment Limited and 45% by BCPG Public Company Limited, a leading renewable energy company in Thailand and Asia-Pacific.

About Impact Electrons Siam Limited
Impact Electrons Siam Limited (IES), is a pioneering renewable energy development firm headquartered in Thailand with over 1,900 MW of wind and solar energy projects in development and operation in Thailand, Japan, Lao PDR and Vietnam. IES is a privately owned company established in 2011. IES develops clean, affordable and reliable renewable energy solutions and is a pioneer of visionary innovation in the renewable energy sector with a vision to build a better future for communities across the region.

IES is leading the development of the Monsoon and Xekong wind farms in Southern Lao PDR, which will have an aggregate capacity of 1,600 MW. IES recently announced that the Monsoon Wind Power Project had signed a Power Purchase Agreement with Vietnam Electricity, with the project on schedule to achieve financial close during 2022.

For more information, please visit

About Envision Group
Envision Group is a world-leading green technology company and net zero technology partner. With the mission of “solving the challenges for the sustainable future of humankind”. Envision designs, sells, and operates smart wind turbines and smart storage system through Envision Energy; AIoT-powered batteries through Envision AESC; and the world’s largest AIoT operating system through Envision Digital. It also owns Envision Racing Formula E team. Envision continues to promote wind and solar power as the “new coal”, batteries and hydrogen fuel as the “new oil”, the AIoT network as the “new grid”, the net-zero industrial parks to the “new infrastructure”, and to promote the construction and cultivation of green “new industry”.

Envision Group was ranked among the Top 10 of the 2019 ‘World’s 50 Smartest Companies’ by the MIT Technology Review. In October 2021, Envision was ranked second in the world on the Fortune “Change the World” list. Envision Group joined the global ‘RE100’ initiative and became the first company in mainland China committed to 100% renewable electricity by 2025.On April 22, 2021, Envision Group announced it will achieve carbon neutral in operations by 2022 and achieve carbon neutral throughout its value chain by 2028.

For more information, please visit

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Initiating a Globally-Recognized Vaccine Passport, Indonesia’s G20 HWG Meeting Series Welcome More International Visitors

JAKARTA, April 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Assuming the presidency in the upcoming G20 summit, Indonesia has begun the Health Working Group (HWG) meeting series that took place on 28-30 March 2022 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Indonesia's Ministry of Health Discussed Global Standard Health Protocols in the HWG Meetings

Indonesia’s G20 presidency seeks to harmonize safe and healthy travel procedures worldwide, especially the recognition of COVID-19 vaccine certificates in the wake of the pandemic that ravaged countries globally. The HWG meeting was aimed to foster a dialogue in the health sector between participating countries and synchronize global health protocols.

The meeting was attended by 70 foreign delegates and 50 local delegates. Delegates who participated in person were Australia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, India, etc., and the World Health Organization (WHO).  Meanwhile, those who attended virtually included Canada, France, etc., and international organizations such as the World Bank.

“We need to have synchronized health protocols globally to enable safer international travels and accelerate the social and economic recovery for good,” said Budi Gunadi Sadikin, the Minister of Health of Indonesia.

The HWG meeting has unveiled the initiation to standardize the digital COVID-19 vaccine certificates through a universal verifier made according to the WHO standards. The system is web-based that can be used on all devices. Each country does not need to change the system or the QR codes that are currently used.

Health protocol restrictions differ for every country. For instance, European countries like Denmark, Hungary, etc., have lifted all measures, but some still require a vaccination certificate upon arrival. While Middle East and African countries still require a vaccination certificate or a PCR test.

Each country is given the flexibility to apply necessary health protocols for their countries. However, the procedures are clear and universal thus strengthening the global health architecture and easing traveling across countries.

The synchronization of health protocols is needed to support the interconnectivity of health information. This process is expected to start from the G20 countries and expand to other countries globally.

The second HWG meeting in Lombok in June, will discuss about the global health fund in case of a future pandemic. The last of the HWG series in Bali in November, will discuss about the global medical research.

More information can be accessed at the Indonesia’s Ministry of Health website

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District Court Closes the Door Permanently on Wickfire’s Meritless Claims

After Wickfire suffered a devastating loss at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Wickfire nonetheless continued pursuing meritless claims at a District Court. The District Court rejected Wickfire’s attempts and dismissed Wickfire’s claims permanently. This ends Wickfire’s eight-year lawsuit and provides TriMax with complete vindication

AUSTIN, Texas, April 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wickfire suffered the latest in an extensive line of litigation defeats to TriMax. This time, a District Court dismissed Wickfire’s meritless claims permanently.

In 2021, an Appellate Court ruled that Wickfire lacked any evidence supporting its multi-million-dollar claims against TriMax. Undeterred by this monumental loss, Wickfire tried its hand once more and failed.

After losing at the Appellate Court, Wickfire moved a District Court to order TriMax pay Wickfire more than $400,000. This led to a flurry of findings and orders against Wickfire:

  • In February 2022, Federal Magistrate Judge Susan Hightower found that Wickfire’s motion lacked merit. In reaching her determination, the Magistrate Judge recognized “excessive costs and delays” due to Wickfire’s “litigation tactics.”
  • After that, United States District Judge Robert Pitman issued an Order agreeing with the Magistrate Judge’s findings and fully denied Wickfire’s motion.
  • On March 15, 2022, the Western District of Texas issued a Final Judgment, finding that Wickfire shall “TAKE NOTHING” on all its claims against TriMax and its principals.
  • In the same “TAKE NOTHING” judgment, the District Court declared that Wickfire’s claims shall be “DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE,” thereby preventing Wickfire from continuing to assert its meritless claims against TriMax in the future.

The orders and findings appear in published opinions from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Case Number 17-3043040 and the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Case No. 1:14-CV-0034-RP.

The lawsuit centered around Google AdWords Auctions, an online-auction platform where companies like TriMax and Wickfire compete for advertising space. Wickfire asserted a series of claims against TriMax, but as to each one, Wickfire failed. Wickfire alleged TriMax intentionally interfered with Wickfire’s contracts, intentionally interfered with Wickfire’s prospective business, and committed civil conspiracy. An Appellate Court found “Wickfire offered no such proof” and declared that each of these claims failed.

After the Appellate Court found an earlier District Court judgment awarding $2.3 million to Wickfire to be erroneous due to the lack of any supporting evidence, the District Court more recently issued the “TAKE NOTHING” judgment. Through the “TAKE NOTHING” judgment, Wickfire received no award and, conversely, was ordered to pay its own attorneys’ fees and costs.

In the same lawsuit, the jury previously found Wickfire LLC and its co-owners, Chet Hall and Jon Brown, to have intentionally interfered with TriMax Media’s business. TriMax argued that Wickfire intentionally interfered with TriMax’s contracts by (1) paying kickbacks to merchant representatives in exchange for exclusivity agreements; (2) impersonating TriMax by placing unauthorized ads that plagiarized TriMax’s ad copy and contained other identifying information of TriMax; (3) repeatedly clicking on TriMax ads in order to artificially increase TriMax’s costs (known as “click fraud”); and (4) using an automated software program to manipulate the Google auction system (known as “bid jamming”).

TriMax presented evidence to the jury that Wickfire had been suspended from over 200 Google accounts, violated merchant terms, and employed fake user agents and proxies to conceal its identity. The jury also saw evidence that Google referred to Wickfire as “Known Fraudsters” and that Wickfire registered the domain name “”.

TriMax also presented evidence regarding Wickfire’s destruction of evidence. During the litigation, Wickfire wiped all the data from its Chief Technology Officer, Jon Brown’s, laptop and then failed to disclose that information to TriMax or the District Court. Once TriMax uncovered the destruction, Wickfire claimed it was necessary, since the laptop had been stolen during a home burglary. However, the police report—which TriMax obtained independently after Wickfire failed to produce a copy—contradicted Wickfire’s story because it mentioned nothing about an allegedly stolen laptop.

While the jury heard extensive evidence about Wickfire’s conduct comprising Wickfire’s intentional interference against TriMax (which the jury found to have occurred), some of the most devastating evidence was excluded. For example, the jury was not permitted to see:

  • The police report from the burglary;
  • Registration documents showing Wickfire as the owner of “” and “”;
  • An e-mail from a merchant representative who, after refusing to accept the alleged kickbacks, referred to Wickfire as “criminals”;
  • Screenshots of Wickfire’s ads impersonating TriMax’s;
  • An e-mail from a merchant terminating TriMax after wrongly believing TriMax was the source of the impersonating ads;
  • An e-mail from a merchant complaining that Wickfire violated trademark terms and plagiarized TriMax’s ads;
  • A lengthy technical report that, according to a world-renowned computer expert, proves conclusively that Wickfire committed extensive click fraud against TriMax;
  • A real-time video demonstrating the bid-jamming TriMax experienced;
  • A summary of hundreds of TriMax’s merchant contracts interfered with by bid-jamming; and
  • E-mails from other competitors of Wickfire complaining about Wickfire’s bidding tactics.

Despite the jury’s finding against Wickfire, Chet Hall, and Jon Brown for intentional interference with TriMax’s business, no damages against Wickfire were awarded. This was, as the District Court noted, a finding reached by the jury after “the jury heard evidence that Google investigated Wickfire’s AdWords bidding and determined it was permissible.”

However, the District Court’s Final Judgment did not disturb the jury’s finding that Wickfire, Chet Hall, and Jon Brown committed the intentional interference in the first place. Thus, the interference finding against Wickfire, Chet Hall, and Jon Brown stands and is final.

Prior to issuing the “TAKE NOTHING” judgment and dismissing Wickfire’s meritless claims permanently, a Magistrate Judge considered a motion to disqualify Wickfire attorney, Katy Hall (formerly known as Katy Atlas). TriMax alleged that while in possession of TriMax’s sensitive documents, Katy Hall began a personal and intimate relationship with Chet Hall (CEO and Co-Founder of Wickfire, and, himself a party to the case), divorced her prior husband, had a child with Chet Hall, and married Chet Hall after he divorced his prior wife. TriMax also alleged that Katy Hall wrongfully accepted an in-house position with Wickfire while in possession of the documents. Katy Hall is currently Chief Operating Officer of Wickfire’s A Magistrate Judge however, ruled that TriMax could not “meet its heavy burden to prove that disqualification is warranted” and denied the motion to disqualify Katy Hall.

TriMax’s CEO, Laura Woodruff, commented: “After the Fifth Circuit exonerated TriMax in 2021, we were surprised that Wickfire chose to continue asserting meritless claims with the District Court. However, we are pleased with the recent orders by the District Court, which—like the Appellate Court before it—repeatedly rejected Wickfire’s claims for lack of merit. We are, however, still disappointed that Google and the Networks permitted Wickfire to intentionally interfere with TriMax’s business in the first place. Nevertheless, based on the jury’s finding that Wickfire interfered with TriMax’s business—a finding that was not reversed or altered by the recent Final Judgment—we now hope tactics like impersonation of competitors, kickbacks, bid jamming, and click fraud, will no longer be tolerated in the online advertising industry.”

About TriMax Media:

Founded in 2003, TriMax Media is a digital marketing agency specializing in performance-based search engine marketing. TriMax served on the first Google Advertiser Research Council and was one of the first companies to generate over one million leads for its clients utilizing Google AdWords. The agency focuses on creating highly effective search marketing campaigns and developing successful long-term relationships with its clients.

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For questions, please contact:
Barry M. Golden
Egan Nelson LLP

Le Hisense L9G Laser TV est dévoilé lors du tirage au sort de la finale de la Coupe du Monde, la campagne marketing #PerfectMatch sur le thème de la Coupe du Monde est officiellement lancée.

CAPE TOWN, AFRIQUE DU SUD4 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le tirage au sort final de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Qatar 2022 TM a eu lieu le 1er avril au Centre d’Exposition et de Convention de Doha (DECC). En sa qualité de sponsor officiel, Hisense a exposé le téléviseur laser 100L9G TriChroma lors de l’événement officiel du tirage au sort et a fait une démonstration de ses caractéristiques et de son niveau de qualité à plus de 2 000 invités des différentes associations de football et des partenaires de la FIFA, ce qui a été largement salué. Au même moment, la campagne marketing #PerfectMatch sur le thème de la Coupe du monde était lancée officiellement.

(PRNewsfoto/Hisense SA Sales Holdings (Pty) Ltd)

Pendant l’événement, l’équipe de direction de la FIFA et des représentants de diverses associations de football ont visité le stand Hisense. Fatma Samoura, la secrétaire générale de la FIFA, a personnellement ressenti l’expérience immersive apportée par la qualité d’image ultra-haute définition du téléviseur laser L9G, et a fait l’éloge de la nouvelle coopération avec Hisense. M. Jason Ou, président de Hisense Moyen-Orient et Afrique, a souligné que le téléviseur laser L9G est destiné à refléter la perception visuelle humaine tout en étant agréable pour les yeux grâce à sa technologie à faible lumière bleue certifiée par TUV Rheinland. En outre, le système de divertissement domestique parfait et le son de qualité cinématographique offriront aux fans une expérience véritablement immersive pour regarder la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA Qatar 2022 TM.

Avec le tirage au sort de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2022TM, Hisense a officiellement lancé la campagne de marketing mondiale « Perfect Match ». Perfect Match, ce qui signifie non seulement que la Coupe du monde de la FIFA Qatar 2022 TM sera le tournoi de football parfait pour les amateurs de football, mais aussi que les produits Hisense seront le meilleur choix pour les fans de regarder les matchs à la maison. À partir de l’événement du tirage au sort de la Coupe du monde de la FIFA 2022TM, Hisense profitera de l’influence de la Coupe du monde et utilisera pleinement les ressources des droits de parrainage, en combinant les nœuds importants de l’événement et les ventes, pour organiser une série de campagnes de marketing de marque telles que les campagnes RSE et la semaine des super marques. Hisense va largement atteindre les consommateurs par le biais des médias sociaux et des communications RP, interagir en profondeur avec les groupes de fans, renforcer le parrainage de la Coupe du monde de Hisense, améliorant ainsi la notoriété et la préférence de la marque, continuer à promouvoir le développement du marché international et la construction de la marque mondiale, et accélérer le processus d’internationalisation de Hisense.

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Syinix to launch new TVs on April 7 in Kenya, provides 4 tips on choosing a smart TV

NAIROBI, Kenya, April 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Syinix’s upcoming Android Q51/U51/A51 series TVs will provide smart audio-visual functions and will be available at sizes ranging from 32” to 75”, which can basically meet all users’ needs for an extraordinary home cinema experience.

Syinix, as the fastest growing electronic brand in Africa, is committed to creating high-quality and innovative household appliances with the help of an over-1,000-person R&D team.

First, Google Android system

Google Android TV OS is one of the best operating systems. It is authorized by Google to access the full Google Smart Ecosystem resources (such as NETFLIX,YouTube, Google Assistant, etc). In March 2022, Syinix joined Google in developing the latest Android 11 OS for the brand’s entire line of smart TVs, which enables customers to watch over 400,000+ movies and shows on all Syinix Android TVs.

Second, 4K resolution

The higher resolution, the finer the screen display. There are two main resolutions on the market: 2K and 4K, and the resolution of 4K TV is 3840*2160 . Syinix’s forthcoming U51 series offers 4K HDR TVs, which give you more details clearly and can increase your visual experience. You also need to know that 4K ULTRA HD TV requires 4K video sources to play its best display effect.

Third, the smooth TV picture

The smooth TV picture is also a key factor in choosing a smart TV. This is because trailing or dithering phenomenon in the motion pictures will greatly effect your entertainment experience, especially when you are watching action films or football games.

Thanks to the use of powerful chips and the A+PANEL, Syinix’s U51 smart TV series achieved a ultra-low response speed, and its high resolution of the motion picture intelligent optimization compensation helps to solve the picture jitter, tail, and shadow problems, which guarantees that customers can enjoy shows smoothly and clearly.

Fourth, sound quality

To have a theatrical experience at home, sound quality is also essential. The transmission of TV sound needs the support of high power. Basically, the higher the sound power, the better the sound.  Syinix TV’s new U51 series is equipped with 24W sound. As a TV designed for home cinema experience, Syinix U51 series also supports Dolby Audio to provide rich, clear and compelling sound at home.

Also, Syinix’s best after-sell services, such as “FREE TO HOME” after-sales services and many other more provided by Carlcare, allow you to choose Syinix without any after-sell worries. More information on Syinix brand and Syinix products, please visit

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Hitachi Energy launches OceaniQ™ – innovative solutions for the offshore environment

The company’s recently launched transformers for floating applications are the first entry into the OceaniQ™ portfolio of solutions that address the unique challenges of the offshore environment

Zurich, Switzerland, April 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy today launched its OceaniQ™ portfolio(*1) for the offshore energy environment, which will be showcased this week at the annual WindEurope event in Bilbao, Spain. The global technology and market leader in power grids, which has a proven track record(*2) in pioneering solutions for offshore, has created OceaniQ to help accelerate the clean energy transition. OceaniQ will result in greater volumes of wind power being efficiently harvested and integrated into the world’s energy system.

Combining cross-industry competence from the power and marine sectors, OceaniQ addresses applications for fixed platforms, floating structures and sub-sea power systems for wind, marine and other offshore operators. Hitachi Energy rigorously designs its OceaniQ products, services and solutions in collaboration with customers and partners, which are designed to solve the specific needs of offshore energy operators.

Key characteristics of OceaniQ solutions feature a modular design to enable timely installation and the ability to quickly connect energy assets to onshore. OceaniQ solutions take advantage of digitalization, enabling safe and secure remote monitoring and other services such as predictive maintenance. Designs are also ruggedized to withstand harsh marine conditions, minimizing the need for physical service over their lifetime. OceaniQ solutions also embody the rigorous application of lifecycle thinking.

OceaniQ™ transformers for offshore floating applications

The first products to be announced as part of the OceaniQ portfolio are Hitachi Energy’s recently announced transformers for offshore floating applications. Since the first commercial projects in the early 1990s, offshore wind electricity generation has grown enormously, with more than 35 gigawatts(*3) capacity currently worldwide. Yet building offshore brings great challenges beyond the harsh salt-water environment and only a small fraction of the full potential has been exploited. This is because many offshore areas do not have a suitable seabed and beyond 60-meter depths are not optimal for fixed structures.

OceaniQ™ transformers and shunt reactors are key equipment in the grid infrastructure that enables the transmission of electricity generated in offshore wind farms. This full and qualified range of equipment has been developed in partnership with the forefront floating offshore developers. It brings in world-leading experience to meet requirements, featuring a lightweight, compact and modular design that comprises of specially-designed transformer active part, tank and components.

“In OceaniQ, our world-class engineers take pride in pioneering solutions that overcome harsh offshore conditions and ultimately, help society move towards a carbon-neutral future,” said Bruno Melles, Managing Director of Hitachi Energy’s Transformers business. Bruno added, “Floating electrical systems are an important development in the evolution of the offshore renewable industry that will open up tremendous opportunities and unlock new business models that are built on clean power. OceaniQ is fully in the spirit of Hitachi Energy’s Purpose, which is focused on advancing a sustainable energy future for all.”

Alfredo Parres(*4), Head of Renewables at Hitachi Energy commented, “Wind power is one of Earth’s bountiful and free-giving natural resources and through the OceaniQ offshore portfolio, customers will be able to harness and integrate it more efficiently. Alfredo continued, “Through OceaniQ, we are building a more sustainable, flexible and secure energy system by bringing together our experts in offshore applications and wind farm connections to develop and build the solutions needed for a more integrated, interconnected and high-quality power grid. I am excited to be discussing OceaniQ with customers at WindEurope this week and how together, we can continue to pioneer technologies that maximize the full potential of offshore wind.”

This latest portfolio development from Hitachi Energy continues to demonstrate the company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation for sustainable offshore energy environment solutions, adding to an already extensive offering. The company expects to announce new additions to the OceaniQ portfolio in the coming months. The launch of OceaniQ follows the company’s recent launches of IdentiQ™ – its digital twin solutions for HVDC and power quality – and EconiQ™ – its portfolio of solutions which are proven to deliver an exceptional environmental performance resulting in significant reductions in carbon footprint.


(*1) Read more about OceaniQ:

(*2)  Three examples of Hitachi Energy’s proven track record in offshore wind:-

(*3)  Global Wind Energy Council’s Global Offshore Wind Report 2021

(*4) Read one of Alfredo Parres’ Perspectives on offshore wind: Offshore synergy – combining oil & gas experience with grid technology leadership for sustainable energy | Hitachi Energy


Rebecca Bleasdale
Hitachi Energy Ltd.
+41 78643 2613

1,500 Pastors Gather for Shincheonji Church Press Conference

NEW YORK, April 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony hosted a press conference April 2nd via Zoom. In total, 1,500 pastors from various countries participated. Reporters from different media outlets also attended.

Shincheonji Church Chairman Lee speaking to pastors and reporters during the April 2nd press conference

Shincheonji Church hosted the event to present results from its recent online seminars. Pastors who signed MOUs with Shincheonji shared testimonials.

“In the past, all I preached was that everyone must believe in Jesus and by sharing grace in this way would lead to salvation,” said Dongsu Kim, pastor of Peace Church. “Without fulfillment, I thought heaven was somewhere one went to after death. I thought there was resurrection after death.”

Pastor Kim is currently teaching Shincheonji Church’s revealed word to his congregation. “The time has come for all the pastors to come and learn so that they may live a life of faith in the correct truth,” he said.

To date, 2,155 pastors, 22 seminary schools and 958 churches in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church. In exchange for their cooperation, Shincheonji is providing churches and seminary schools with theology materials and access to Bible instructors. In the United States, a Shincheonji instructor was invited to teach 100 members from The Early Church of the New Era. A seminary school in Pakistan is offering Shincheonji course curriculum after its dean signed an MOU with the church.

Shincheonji Church Chairman Lee Man-hee also spoke during the press conference, explaining how he has come to share the word and the role of pastors today.

“Let’s fight and overcome the devil with the blood of Jesus and the word of testimony and create the people of God’s kingdom so that God may finally come and reign over the world after 6000 years,” Chairman Lee said. “This is what [God] has made known to us through the Bible. I hope that everyone engraves the words of all the chapters of Revelation—which is the law of heaven—in their hearts.”

Shincheonji Church has taught Revelation and the secrets of the kingdom of heaven through online seminars since October 2021. The lectures have millions of YouTube views and are available in 24 different languages. The church is also broadcasting content from its intermediate-level course through June 27th. The lessons and the April 2nd press conference are available on Shincheonji Church’s official YouTube channel.

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Hisense L9G Laser TV Unveiled at the World Cup Final Draw, #PerfectMatch World Cup-themed Marketing Campaign Officially Launched

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, April 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Final Draw for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM was held in Doha Exhibition & Convention Center (DECC) on 1st April. As the official sponsor, Hisense displayed the 100L9G TriChroma Laser TV during the Official Draw Event, and demonstrated its features and quality to over 2,000 guests from the various football associations and FIFA partners, which was widely praised. Meanwhile, the #PerfectMatch World Cup-themed marketing campaign was officially launched.

During the event, the senior management team for FIFA and representatives of various football associations visited the Hisense booth. Fatma Samoura, the Secretary-General of FIFA, personally felt the immersive experience brought by the ultra-high definition picture quality of the L9G Laser TV, and highly praised the re-cooperation with Hisense. Mr. Jason Ou, President of Hisense Middle East and Africa, highlighted that the L9G Laser TV is designed to mirror human visual perception while being friendly to the eye due to the certified low blue light hardware solution by TUV Rheinland. Besides, the perfect home entertainment system and cinema-quality sound will provide fans with a truly immersive experience to watch the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 TM.

With the FIFA World Cup 2022 TM Draw Event, Hisense officially launched the “Perfect Match” global World Cup marketing campaign. Perfect Match, which not only means that the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 TM will be the perfect football tournament for the football fans but also stands for the meaning that Hisense products will be the best choice for fans to watch matches at home. Starting from the FIFA World Cup 2022 TM Draw Event, Hisense will take advantage of the influence of the World Cup and make full use of the resources of sponsorship rights, combining with the important nodes of the event and sales, to organize a series of brand marketing campaigns such as CSR campaigns and the super brand week. Hisense will widely reach consumers through social media and PR communications, interact in-depth with fan groups, strengthen Hisense’s World Cup sponsorship, thereby enhancing brand awareness and preference, continue to promote international market development and global brand construction, and accelerate Hisense’s process of internationalization.

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