Ongwediva Medipark hosts 12th cancer walk campaign

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Ongwediva Medipark on Saturday hosted its 12th cancer walk / run campaign on breast , cervical and prostate cancer at Ongwediva . Former First Lady of Namibia and Patron of the cancer campaign , Penehepupifo Pohamba , stated that since the campaign ‘ s inception , more than 5 000 men and women have been screened for breast , cervical , and prostate cancer . Pohamba made these remarks in a speech delivered on her behalf during the launch of the 12th campaign at Ongwediva Medipark , noting that this remarkable figure highlights the tremendous need in the region and the critical role this campaign plays . ‘ Many lives have been impacted , and for those individuals and their families , these services are not just statistics but they represent real lives that were changed or saved ,’ she said . She added that the campaign also aligns with Namibia ‘ s Vision 2030 , which emphasises healthcare access for all . Pohamba further stated that they need to continue to unite in their efforts to ensure that no one is left b
ehind , and that every woman , man and child has access to the cancer care they deserve . Speaking at the same event , cancer survivor , Lamech Mwanyangapo , shared that he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2023 , a life – changing moment in which he was told he had only seven weeks to live . According to Mwanyangapo , at the time , cancer was spreading towards his brain and his bones had been significantly damaged . ‘ However , God is glorious , and when it is not your time to perish , you will not die . Hence , the doctors then drew up a treatment plan . I was first put on a 30 – day radiation programme , which was followed by chemotherapy ,’ he said . He added that after the treatment plan was completed , the tumor was completely destroyed , his bones have started to regenerate , and he has successfully undergone bone marrow and stem cell transplants . Mwanyangapo stressed that anyone can be diagnosed with breast , cervical and prostate cancer , underscoring the importance of regularly checking one ‘
s cancer status . This year , the campaign is being held under the theme : ” Close the Care Gap : Everyone Deserves Access to Cancer Care .’

Source: The Namibia Press Agency