Three public parks open in Matutura

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The Swakopmund Municipality on Wednesday opened three newly constructed parks in the Matutura residential area to the public.

The opening of the parks according to General Manager of Economic Development Services Vilho Kaulinge in his speech at the event, is in line with the council’s economic development vision.

“As our town continues to grow, the Swakopmund Municipality will continue to make investments in green schemes such as this one. This initiative clearly demonstrates that our town places the health and wellbeing of our people at the centre of everything,” Kaulinge said.

He added that having public parks within communities also possesses economic benefits for the community as it increases business activity and increase property values.

“This means that parks are assets and their presence in the community enriches far beyond what one can perceive.”

Swakopmund Mayor Louisa Kativa said there are many benefits to having parks within a community.

“In addition to embellishing our neighbourhoods and town, parks also provide a connection space, encourage activity in kids and are safe spaces for families to engage with each other,” Kativa noted.

Residents in the area, in interviews with Nampa, expressed satisfaction with the construction of the parks, noting that they now have safe spaces for community and family activities.

Twelve-year-old David Boois said he is happy that he and his friends no longer have to meet and play on the streets as they now have a park, and are no longer at risk of getting run over by vehicles.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency