MPLA regrets death of former leader José Eduardo dos Santos

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Luanda – The Political Bureau of MPLA’s Central Committee deeply regretted the death of the party’s president emeritus, José Eduardo dos Santos, occurred this Friday, in Spain, at the age of 79, due to illness.

“It is with uncontained sorrow and consternation that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of MPLA, in the name of all its Party supporters, Sympathizers and Friends, informs the death of the Emeritus President, José Eduardo dos Santos (…), states in its note that ANGOP had access.

MPLA addresses to the family of the deceased, the deepest feelings of regret and it bows before the memory “of this son of Angola and outstanding party member of MPLA”.

José Eduardo dos Santos was President of MPLA and of the Republic of Angola, positions held from 1979 to 2017, besides other relevant functions in the central administration of the State.

Source: Angola Press News Agency